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PROS vs CONS of playing or logging off for 30 days
As many of you are aware, active players will NOT be receiving many of the goodies reserved for returning players only, including a full Orange Level 90 +12 rank 7 scrolled armor set, weapon, and accessories. In order to help active players decide on whether it's worth it to stay logged in and play during this event or to log off for 30 days then return, I have compiled this list of pros and cons:
NOTE: if you decide to LOG OFF FOR 30 DAYS, you should seriously consider logging off starting tomorrow ( 11/8/2018). Reason being, if you don't log on starting tomorrow you will be able to log back on 31st day just in time to receive the last weekend of free log-in event gifts (the free Gremlin) and Mysterious/Abyssal Shards which are arguably the best gifts form the log in event.
Here is a breakdown of the rewards ACTIVE players receive participating in the current event vs logging off for 30 days:
1x Unstable Enhancement Rune
1x Goibhniu's Stone
1x Airtight Premium Enchant Rune
1x Unstable Enchant Rune
1x Rare Chunk and 1x Rare Chunk (weapon)
1x Free Gremlin
1x Mysterious/Abyssal Shard
1x Premium Enhancement Rune & 1x Premium Enhancement Rune Fragment & 1 Abyssal/Mysterious Shard
Possibly 1-3 max likely RNG based Premium Enhancement or Regular Enhancement Runes from the the fragments that could be collected and formed from collected temporal boxes.
LOG OFF FOR 30 DAYS Freebies:
FREE +12 rank 7 all Orange Level 90 gear for ALL your characters that you have.
1x Free Gremlin
1x Mysterious/Abyssal Shard
There is no way the benefits of logging in and playing Vindictus for 30 days outweigh the benefits of logging off for 30 days if you are an Active Player. 1.33 Enchant items, 2.5 Enhancement Items, and probably max 3 RNG based Enhancement Items. There is no way with 1.33 Enchant Items and 5.5 Enhancement Items that I could even come close to creating a full +12 armor and weapon set, and the disparity grows multiplicatively the more characters you have that can get the free gear. With current +12 probability alone the 5.5 Enhancement Items wouldn't even guarantee getting 1 piece of armor to +12 and the 1.33 Enchant items wouldn't even guarantee getting 1 rank 7 scroll on that 1 piece of armor. Literally Nexon NA is forcing all active players to log off for 30 days due to the way they have designed this event.
So, if you have only 1 main account with many characters, you are better served logging off for 30 days. If you have multiple accounts, log off for 30 days with the accounts that have many characters and only log in with the accounts that have few or maybe just your main character on them.
I hope this helps make the choice clear for everyone.
Honestly this doesn't make much sense to do if you have a character that can run the new raids. You can make more than those lv 90 gear are worth in a day by just running those 2 raids. (And if you can't, your time is better spent getting one with 50 counter force/enough power asp with the assumption you are using your kitty potions till you can hit 80.)
Lv 90 +12 gear even scrolled is now basically useless. (It is the new crud toss gear...) I put this gear on a lv 91 alt and it gave him ~23.7 att, 110 crit, 87 bal and 56 att spd. (Power is ~36k) you will still need to soap + maybe kitty to just get into dul.
You still will do horrible dps compared to everyone else, and you are crazy crit nerfed for the bosses that make you money. ->IE +10 dul gear would have been way better than the +12 stuff returning folks are getting. Course if they did that then folks wouldn't bother upgrading. (Just remember dul and up are crit cap at ~140 and higher.
Remember, the last thing you want to do is spend gold on upgrading any of these items. Heck even if you manage to +15 something I just wouldn't bother. (Crit cap of the new bosses is 170 and 173... at 110 crit you will crit 3% of the time. Course you couldn't QB into it due to the 200/210 and counter reqs :-(
And you know newer bosses are just going to have the crit cap rise more and more.
FYI lv 90 raids only drop orange mats now, but honestly I am only using those to dismantle. (I haven't run a shard farm for ages...)
You can still get them maxed out this week. I believe it is 4000AP x6 = 24k AP. That's half the max you can have, and I've already done this on all the characters I'm logging off with. You can also return after 30 days and get the last week of the event for the other half 24k AP. Unless you have a massive bank of AP in capsules, most people arn't really missing out on this by loggin off for 30 days.
Ikevi - I have one account that has a main that can do the current raids and I will use this account. My other account doesn't really have a strongly geared main so willl sit this out for 30 days.