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Rework risky wind for sword lann

Vindictus Rep: 725
Posts: 13
edited September 23, 2018 in Suggestions and Feedback
Sword Lann got buffs in the new patch but it is far from making us happy
The way risky wind work is good only for fast attacking bosses which is not the case with current game content where most bosses has more window to attack
Idea 1

Increase windrider buff to 3 stacks so it can buff lightening fury also make a stack consumed upon actually landing the hit not just on attacking also make it last longer

Idea 2
reworked risky wind can be helpful
Risky wind can be made to give 10 stacks "windrider" buff for 10 sec
The buff is not consumed upon attacking but you lose them upon getting hits
With each stack you get buff for crit , crit cap, stamina consumbution, attack boost
For example at max 10 stack you get 20 crit , 50 crit cap, 70% stamina consumption reduction ,10% damage
Numbers are example can be adjusted for balance
If need to debuff lann with this new rework it should focus not to ruin his game play i mean don't make him unable to crit constantly so if needed just lower damage modifiers :)
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