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how long till Fish (Rupacitus) gets fixed?

Vindictus Rep: 690
Posts: 22
edited September 12, 2018 in Bug Reporting
Hit him with a spear => the raid can't be finished.
Annoying enough that it is bugged like that - is there any attempt being made at fixing that?


  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
    Before start the mission, I said them don't forget to remove F key for avoid mistake 100% safe APLPoa5.png
    I bet they will fix it in 9th October (New patch comes), so will takes alot days suffering without spear...
  • YagaminYagamin
    Vindictus Rep: 3,580
    Posts: 266
    edited September 14, 2018
    Using Fine Spears in any raid gives the same bug, it's been over two years and it's still not fixed. Just saying.