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Returning Player Feedback
I doubt anyone remembers the football karok from the lvl 70 raiding era on East or even cares for that matter but what up bros, its been a while. Felt like I could drop some feedback as a returning player for nexon and the community to pretend to read!
Things I appreciated that have changed:
-I noticed enhancing and enchanting has become somewhat easier and you can even get some decent enchants without worrying about breaking your gear now. As a NA --player who appreciates farm/grind more than luck, this "helps" solve the problem.
-There is finally a character leveling up system that rewards you for progress with more exp and items and easier to keep track of than a giftbox in your inventory.
-Fresh starter sets at certain levels for raiding that aren't terrible and move you swiftly into the raid scene.
-The community actually seems nicer? (I haven't made it ALL the way to the end raids yet, just got a few season 3 raids so far)
-The +11, +12, and +13 farmable coupons utilizing seals was a great idea. Now you can even feel like you are progressing even on bad days and rewards raiding even with crummy consecutive drops throughout a week.
-Outfitter shop and avatar outfit tab was a great addition.
-Alternative comboing methods. On karok I can combo differently depending on the chain of my button presses which is pretty neat. Tested this on 2 other classes as well, which is a pretty cool change. (jump smash adds a neat touch)
-Broken gear restoration, if only this came sooner. I bet NA would have kept more players who aren't used to hard work being destroyed from luck. It doesn't completely solve the problem but it helps by giving people a second chance after a moment of weakness at the cost of AP.
-Lastly, combining east and west was prolly one of the best things to happen to this game but came too late.
Things that still bother me or are new and concern me:
-I noticed you created more enhancements passed +15. I might get some hate for this but I think doing this was largely irrelevant for anything other than more temptation to break a weapon. All it really is doing is increasing attack value disparity between High attack and low attack values for raids and these new items that increase attack limits further this problem.
-It is very difficult for new and returning players to make gold because alot of the stuff that is farmable for profit and needed for enhancing/enchanting/crafting is heavily farmed by bots and allowed on the marketboard with no real monitoring lowering their gold value. This makes it difficult and even more time consuming for new/returning players to upgrade and circulate gold to actual players instead of bots.
-Fusing gear is still as annoying as it was when I left. There has probably always been complaints and I'll reiterate whats prolly been said a million times again. There's no reason to force the community to unbind gear just to use a fusion rune, you are double dipping your community. I was going to refuse my football set but noticed I would have to unbind both the set its fused to currently and the set I want to fuse it too. What a waste. We have an avatar outfit tab now! Why can't we just use a rune to turn something into an outfit piece? Or just allow fusion runes to fuse gear that is bound but lower its count by 1. This process is a headache.
-Attacks that cannot be god framed, shielded, or absorbed. I knew these were coming but you need to consider something. These kind of attacks make slower moving classes more difficult to evade because they were not meant to be evading in the first place. Karok for example has no movement skills other than rolling, same with fiona. Not sure what to do about this other than gitgud again and I'm trying.
-I might get hate for this but I actually miss how potions used to work. I feel like stopping to use a potion for a stronger HP gain made alot of sense for risk vs reward. Moving and using a potion for less gain made sense too. I don't hate the new system but I do kinda miss the old one.
-Upgrading the main composition part of a lvl 80-95 item reduces the enhancement back to 0. You made or bought a purple item to lvl 10? Good job! Want to upgrade it to orange? Have fun taking it back to 10 or even 8 for that matter or buy runes again if you want to go that route.
-Lastly I feel like the population is low and the only thing I can help in regards to this is to why I quit and why I came back. I quit cause of gear destruction, probably the same reason a majority of players do. Why I came back? Cause of nostalgia and cause of returning player campaigns and new character creations.
I prolly got alot more I could add to this in the back of my mind somewhere but this post is already TL;DR.
The only thing you can really do is save your one movement skill or learn the animations of the boss that telegraph a Unblock-able.
Actually they have a rune for you issue its called a Premium Armor Fusion Rune. Even works on boomed gear. In fact you can get them off the marketplace for a decent price if you strike when a Gacha is out.
Enhancement beyond +13 is a lottery windfall atm whether you are p2w or f2p doesn't really matter. +16 and above is also largely seen as just what the devs came up with to stop people selling +15's.
unblockable (red) attacks generally also have very short tracking windows or don't target you at all. Things like very obvious forward slashes (regina, lugh) or red waves (dullahan and rupy)
the only red attack i can think of that had lots of tracking was the lord glas spinning sword slam in phase 2 but that was changed to a regular i-framable move probably for that reason after a few months.
I imagine alot of players are hitting this wall and looking at their possibilities for gear progress/gold making and are shrugging. Its fine that the free gear doesn't meet knew raid requirements but getting to the point of meeting those requirements without spending $ could take months. This is starting to feel ridiculous in comparison to how S1&2 worked. Gonna try farming for a week and see how it goes, I can only play 2 or 3 times a week for long amounts of time.
I really missed the action and combat style of this game but alot of the reasons I left and new ones are hitting me again. Oh well, it is what it is.
A day or two of farming old S2 "raids" will not only get you items to sell, it will get you to 90 and beyond very easily, especially if you have any of the old XP boosters, VIP, etc.
Dulla is hardly a wall, sorry to say.
This is one of my alts (with premium soap buff which is almost always available and some extra stats from Vanguard) -
The armor's all freebie 90 purple stuff. The weapon's a +11 OJ with extremely cheapo welfare scrolls (can still get to +13 for free if I cared enough to farm the seals). Accessories are all old cheapo stuff. No artifact. No necklace. Nothing is infused. The most expensive scroll this character is wearing is one enthusiastic. Basic outfitter.
I've invested almost nothing into this character (time-wise or gold-wise) and it easily passes the QB requirements for Dulla, is a hair's breath away from the QB requirements for Aes/Arcana and isn't that far from the QB requirements for Rupa. Finishing off the free +13 on the weap would take care of that, which would be less than a week of additional seal farm.
Nothing comes for free but the point you're at requires very little time, comparatively.
Also, it costs 3 mill just to get 1 balance or crit upgrade alongside mats to my weapon for material compositions. Kinda silly. Like I said, I'm working on it but its gonna take a while.
37k power/195 tech is a minimal time investment for any character compared to what it took to, for example, attack cap S2 raids. Of course it's gonna require some farm - again, nothing comes free... but it's a hell of a lot easier and faster than it used to be.
Either way, I'ma just keep farming. I'm not spending gold badly or anything like that. I'm actually looking for the most efficient +'s to balance/crit while maintaining attack/def vs cost while keeping in mind the future. It don't make any sense to upgrade the free gear beyond cheap enchants. I've only got 3 chars at 95, feel sorry for the poor guy who only has 1 fresh 95. I'm making gold but overall I still appreciate the situation Season 1 and 2 had over this. I wonder how many raiders there are from dullahan and beyond (not including alts). I think that should be used as a statistic to how it has impacted the raider population.
As mentioned, seals to make yourself an OJ 13, the free purple gear, and a few accessories with only R8 scrolls and you can easily get in, worst case scenario.