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Question about the Attendance event.

Vindictus Rep: 3,540
Posts: 257
in General Discussion
Does anyone know what the korean labeled boxes are?


  • WilkoWilko
    Vindictus Rep: 1,750
    Posts: 133
    Max +3 Quality Booster and Max +15 enhancement

    Best stick with http://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2018/2577/the-calendar.jpg since viewing the in-game board has a few quirks about it, not the least of which being the untranslated items.
  • GhengisJohnGhengisJohn
    Vindictus Rep: 3,540
    Posts: 257
    I always forget the check the postings on the website, they have even held it against me in submitted tickets when no information on something was found in game, and still I forget to check. So, it's good advice Wilko, and ty for the link. +best