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Golden Time Coupon Shop is bad

Vindictus Vertreter: 2,600
Posts: 443
edited Juni 26, 2018 in General Discussion
I'm also wondering why it costs 20 golden time coupons for a legendary shard item (for level 90 equipment)... is that mistake?

Oh, and the "Restyle Package" and "Premium Enhancement Package Plus" shop items for $25 and $27 bucks are a joke. Many of those items are on the marketplace for much cheaper. I'd seriously like to know who is spending their NX on these packages.

Do the people who manage the shop prices and event items/prices even play this game?



  • noctrednoctred
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,875
    Posts: 148
    The restyle package is actually a very good deal assuming you need all of the items included. The name change and permanent inner alone, neither of which exist on the MP, cost less than if you were to buy them separately.

    Now, whether the prices of the individual items are reasonable to begin with is another question altogether.
  • KarijunaKarijuna
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,675
    Posts: 196
    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, I guess.

    The weekend gifts are pretty good, so I personally don't really care about the coupon shop stuff. And about the depot packages...It's not like many of the packages they put together were actually useful and resonably priced at the same time to begin with, so no surprise there.
    What's more disappointing to me is the lack of a new outfitter (+ a regular version, for reasons), or they could've at least brought back a limited outfitter that people actually like.
  • DancingStarDancingStar
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,695
    Posts: 85
    edited Juni 26, 2018
    I'm also wondering why it costs 20 golden time coupons for a legendary shard item (for level 90 equipment)... is that mistake?

    Oh, and the "Restyle Package" and "Premium Enhancement Package Plus" shop items for $25 and $27 bucks are a joke. Many of those items are on the marketplace for much cheaper. I'd seriously like to know who is spending their NX on these packages.

    Do the people who manage the shop prices and event items/prices even play this game?

    1. The shard is a joke, I would have expected at least a chunk, I agree.
    2. The Restyle package is actually a good deal, If u consider or rather 'try to forget' that changing only the name cost you about 30$.
    3. The Premium package plus 'seems' indeed a bad choice/price to put on mp, but don't forget that any NX item have its own value
    from the start.

    The fact that players sell the same item cheaper or pricier cause reasons, doesn't change the inital value of that item.

    Same thing but the opposite would happen with that new gremlin outfit we'll get in july inside a box for 29.900nx.
    The real value of that outfit should be 27.900nx (if u forget about the dyes inside)
    which you can easily convert in gold for around 40kk gold (with atm nx rates) but if nexon would put such outfit in a gacha and let
    players to sell it on mp it would go over 150kk in a blink (cause retardness that is affecting lately all the sellers on eu) despite the real value is much lower.

    So NX items prices can't really just fluctuate continously due to players 'temporary' economy. They should be set "wisely" from the start and fixed.
    At most they should check the marketplace and consider to put on depot items that are requested and can be actually sold instead of
    throwing in random stuff.
    Just to mention one, they could sell permanently the rune +12 for armor, (TW server have it since long) cause it's really needed and
    is not sold at all on MP. Just my opinion.

  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
      *15 free gotchas
      *Quality booster
      *Unlimited Hair
      *Unlimited Inner
      *+1 Unbinding Coupon
      *Enchant Rune
      *+10 Coupon(cause we all know we'll get the crap version and no one will see more than +10)

    I'm more than happy to poop all over Vindi for the way that it's run, but the Golden Time is pretty good, especially as the coupons are available on top of all of those items, and most of the people who will want what the coupons bring are the people who will be playing most days anyway. Could the coupon items be better? Sure, but they aren't bad at all.

    The NX prices aren't amazing, but some of the deals do save money for those who still spend on the game. If you can do better on the MP then go for it.

    30 Seals or 20 Triumph medals for 5 coupons and the rune pouches aren't too shabby at all. I really can't take issue with what's offered.
  • JinyieJinyie
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,830
    Posts: 219
    Ths special enhancement rune protects up to +12 which I don't think has ever been sold before. These have never been on the marketplace, you are pretty much paying for that and the 2 goib stones are a bonus. Not the shittiest deal I've seen. Never seen a name change or permanent inner coupon on the mp too.
  • InnoyInnoy
    Vindictus Vertreter: 810
    Posts: 61
    Does the random chance +15 coupon work on only 90lvl weapons? Sorry didnt want to make a whole thread on this.
  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    @Innoy 90 & 95, with an orange main for up to +12, full orange for higher, though no one got higher than +10 last time, and only one or two did before. They very horrible rates for anything better than that. Just assume you'll get a +10.
  • JinyieJinyie
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,830
    Posts: 219
    @Innoy works on armors too in case you got that extra account :> of course you need to be within 10 levels of the gear you are enhancing.
  • HelgiHelgi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 205
    Posts: 3
    was the special enhancement rune package removed? can't find it anywhere, even on the original post about the update
  • JinyieJinyie
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,830
    Posts: 219
    Helgi wrote: »
    was the special enhancement rune package removed? can't find it anywhere, even on the original post about the update

    The sale has not started yet. Check the dates again
  • LaniakeaLaniakea
    Vindictus Vertreter: 320
    Posts: 6
    Ah yes, always the community. I'm a little surprised none of you are defending the July 4th event.
  • LaniakeaLaniakea
    Vindictus Vertreter: 320
    Posts: 6
    Sharb of destiny.
  • MerchelleMerchelle
    Vindictus Vertreter: 305
    Posts: 3