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Dodge window on Braha's Grab Reduced?

Vindictus Vertreter: 740
Posts: 23
edited Juni 19, 2018 in General Discussion
Today, playing about an hour after maintenance, I decided to do island ruins, my favorite raid to play with twin spear lann. I noticed that, after being able to consistently do no hit runs in parties before today, his insta-kill grab is now virtually impossible to dodge with spear dash (presumably since it takes longer to move forward and covers slightly less distance than most other character's dodges). I went into practice mode and watched a few videos, practiced dodging the grab for about an hour and a half (since he rarely ever uses it) and could not find any consistent point that allowed me to dodge the attack, either with the distance dodge (running along the back of the stage and dodging at a certain point) or the back left corner dodge (running into the back left corner of the stage and dodging at a certain point), which, prior to today, would allow you to dodge the grab but still take a marginal amount of damage (for some unexplained reason). I was able to dodge using both tactics but only one time per tactic over a span of an hour and a half, despite trying a range of different dodge timings that landed me different distances from his fist, and even when trying the same tactic that worked over again, I cannot get it to work again. As of now the only way i can consistently dodge the grab is with absolute fury, which would be fine if it didn't have a 20 second cooldown, potentially damning you if Braha arbitrarily decides to use his grab when AS is on cooldown, since it is possible for you to be put in a situation where the only way to dodge his hand sweep is by using absolute fury (being in the very corner of the stage when he puts his hand down for the sweep). I have 70 base attack speed, for reference.

Anyone else notice this, or did I just get worse overnight?


  • paingamepaingame
    Vindictus Vertreter: 555
    Posts: 24
    not noticing anything different
    go to the right side and dodge forwards/towards braha

    shouldnt be dodging from the left anyways as thats where your partner is going to be taking advantage of the free damage
  • YagaminYagamin
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,580
    Posts: 266
    forward or left by themselves can avoid the grab, but you can get hit for some damage and the window is smaller.

    forward+left (so you move diagonally) has a larger window and you also won't get hit.
  • paingamepaingame
    Vindictus Vertreter: 555
    Posts: 24
    from my experience on fiona, dodging left and 45 degrees diagonally are suboptimal. sweet spot is at 11 o'clock and not much different than forward
  • AgathodaimonAgathodaimon
    Vindictus Vertreter: 500
    Posts: 9
    Use fury 7 if you don't want to be grabbed and are willing to sacrifice dps.
  • Daggerpaw12Daggerpaw12
    Vindictus Vertreter: 740
    Posts: 23
    The forward and left dodge works fine and doesn't do any damage, thanks guys. I don't know why the corner dodge is so peculiar now, though.
  • dogempiredogempire
    Vindictus Vertreter: 325
    Posts: 3
    You can always use absolute fury to dodge (Running smash plus left mouse)

    I always dodge diagonally towards Braha though.