Alright so before I begin I want to state that this requires armor fusion runes and unbind pots but the intention is to save YOU/ME gold in the long run. Some of you may know and use this method, it may be new to all reading so I will explain as much as possible why I do this and how.
White and black dyes are expensive to buy being roughly 8/9m for white and 17/20m for black roughly. Some days lower and some days higher in prices. Using random dye will only net you one 25 black or one 230 white so it won't save you from dying your gear fully unless it only has one dye slot.
Step 1. Find the gear you want to get a black or white on.
If the gear is below level 20-30 move to step 4Step 2. Purchase a very low level gear from a npc that can be fused together with your choice in step 1
Step 3. Use an armor fusion rune and fuse the appearance of your high level gear to the stats of the very low level gear
Step 4. Equip the armor you wish to dye/just fused and head to the dye shop
Step 5. This is the hardest step because you have mind numbing RNG to deal with but all you are going to do is select the gear and hit
Dye note that it is only going to cost you 47gold per dye attempt as seen in my example. They originally cost 17000gold per dye attempt before fusing

Step 6. Just keep hitting random dye till you get a white or black and keep in mind it could land on any dye slot.

Step 7. Profit
Some notes to add
-From what ive seen all items can roll whites blacks (230/25 respectively) but it CAN take a very long time, sometimes quickly.
-The appearance of the item has its own colour pallet so for example the Mhara chaps above will often roll hues of red on the leather and golds on the metal and if you were to random dye an item like everlasting armor you will get terrible 'muddy grey' rolls 95% of the time
-Gear that use fabrics roll white more often than black
-Gear that use metals roll black more often than white
Feel free to ask any questions, again this method is not for everyone and is aimed more at the people looking for save some gold in the long run.
You can often find these items cheap on the MP. Except for lately the unbinds are going out of control because of 95 update?
Additionally, the market sellers always find multiple opportunities to exploit their buyers.