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We can change Vin's fate!


  • Sir_RenderSir_Render
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,720
    Posts: 191
    There isn't a game like Vindictus at the moment so it would be a huge shame to lose it
    Honestly what we need is for the game to get a huge revitalization Upgrade the Engine The quality the graphics everything
    Perhaps just make a Vindictus 2

    A big issue with vindictus is it's pretty obviously reached a dead end it's lost it's steady progression and most of the content worth doing was keeled over Via Rise
    Nowadays there are only like what, 9 daylie missions?
    only 4 of them are worth doing and 3 of those require a silly amount of Attack/Defense - Critical/Balance
    and even then they come out as more of a chore after doing them for so long than an epic battle and then RNG never rewards you
    You can't even have fun watching 2 or 3 out of 8 people eat the dirt against Liono anymore

    I have played this game SINCE BETA and never got a weapon to +11 till Rise when they added those guarantee stones even then I still haven't had a +13 weapon yet I've Pretty much Destroyed and repaired my weapon 4 times using Destruction saftey runes and Unbind repair scrolls then grinding for more guarantees to 12
    There is a point where the game should just let you have the thing that you are working towards it's actually silly at this point

    But yea all in all the game has some fundamental issues that it doesn't seem to want to work out and the guy in charge is seemingly only making it worse
  • noctrednoctred
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,875
    Posts: 148
    edited Juni 2, 2018
    Nobody is going to continue to spend cash on Nexon when they clearly see what is happening with other regions who actually bring in more revenue than NA does, its only common sense.

    You guys are bad at logic. If JP was bringing in more revenue than NA/EU and the reason for the shutdown was lack of revenue, then why would they shut down JP before NA/EU? Logically, this implies one of two things - either JP was not bringing in more revenue than NA/EU, or there was an entirely different and unrelated reason for JP's termination. Therefore, if you're convinced that JP was bringing in more revenue, then that must mean there's another reason for the termination of their service.

    Fact is, everything is wild speculation and nobody knows the actual reason behind JP shutting down (unless it has been posted somewhere that I haven't seen). Let's not draw direct connections based on speculation and pass them off as fact.

    Also, I promise you - when that Valkyrie box comes out on June 5th, I wouldn't be surprised if people throw money at this game like they haven't in a long time.
  • CuraiHotaruCuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    noctred wrote: »
    Nobody is going to continue to spend cash on Nexon when they clearly see what is happening with other regions who actually bring in more revenue than NA does, its only common sense.

    You guys are bad at logic. If JP was bringing in more revenue than NA/EU and the reason for the shutdown was lack of revenue, then why would they shut down JP before NA/EU? Logically, this implies one of two things - either JP was not bringing in more revenue than NA/EU, or there was an entirely different and unrelated reason for JP's termination. Therefore, if you're convinced that JP was bringing in more revenue, then that must mean there's another reason for the termination of their service.

    Fact is, everything is wild speculation and nobody knows the actual reason behind JP shutting down (unless it has been posted somewhere that I haven't seen). Let's not draw direct connections based on speculation and pass them off as fact.

    Also, I promise you - when that Valkyrie box comes out on June 5th, I wouldn't be surprised if people throw money at this game like they haven't in a long time.

    Without information, the most probable cause is. Their contract with servers expired, and they chose not to renew as it wouldn't be worth it = shut down, I'd say around november at most before NA/EU shutsdown, somewhere around there they renewed their servers for the merge of whatever
  • CuraiHotaruCuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    edited Juni 2, 2018
    about JP's termination. Reason not give because of.

    Nexon member Terms of Service
    Chapter 3, this service

    Article 10 (change of this service)
    1. The Company may, without giving prior notice to the member, add the contents of this service, abolition, which can be any other change will do.
    2. The Company shall be able to delete all or part of the data of this service without notifying the member in advance.
    3. We are not responsible for any disadvantages and damages of the members caused by the preceding paragraphs.

    JP people might migrate to NA/EU/TW vindi cause of easy vpn, and billing from paypal makes the game playable, as it's a p2w game. As a JP person posted a somewhat guide, so help these poor refugees and take them into your raids and care for them, before it's your time to become a refugee.
  • noctrednoctred
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,875
    Posts: 148
    Without information, the most probable cause is. Their contract with servers expired, and they chose not to renew as it wouldn't be worth it = shut down, I'd say around november at most before NA/EU shutsdown, somewhere around there they renewed their servers for the merge of whatever

    Are you saying this because that's what happened to Taiwan? Are you aware that Vindi Taiwan was published by an entirely different organization while Vindi NA is published in house by Nexon? Are you also aware that Vindi's old Taiwan publisher basically shut down all of its client-based games in favor of migrating to the mobile market? The two situations aren't even remotely similar.

    Facts. What are they?
  • SomeguywashereSomeguywashere
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,205
    Posts: 75
    noctred wrote: »
    Without information, the most probable cause is. Their contract with servers expired, and they chose not to renew as it wouldn't be worth it = shut down, I'd say around november at most before NA/EU shutsdown, somewhere around there they renewed their servers for the merge of whatever

    Are you saying this because that's what happened to Taiwan? Are you aware that Vindi Taiwan was published by an entirely different organization while Vindi NA is published in house by Nexon? Are you also aware that Vindi's old Taiwan publisher basically shut down all of its client-based games in favor of migrating to the mobile market? The two situations aren't even remotely similar.

    Facts. What are they?

    Fact is no Taiwanese publisher wanted Vin OMEGALUUU
  • SomeguywashereSomeguywashere
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,205
    Posts: 75
    Good bye Japan

    Europe will join soon
  • noctrednoctred
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,875
    Posts: 148
    Fact is no Taiwanese publisher wanted Vin OMEGALUUU

    Actually, Vindi Taiwan was picked up by Garena after being dropped by Gamania. Anything else?

    Also, nice strawman.
  • CuraiHotaruCuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    edited Juni 2, 2018
    noctred wrote: »
    Without information, the most probable cause is. Their contract with servers expired, and they chose not to renew as it wouldn't be worth it = shut down, I'd say around november at most before NA/EU shutsdown, somewhere around there they renewed their servers for the merge of whatever

    Are you saying this because that's what happened to Taiwan? Are you aware that Vindi Taiwan was published by an entirely different organization while Vindi NA is published in house by Nexon? Are you also aware that Vindi's old Taiwan publisher basically shut down all of its client-based games in favor of migrating to the mobile market? The two situations aren't even remotely similar.

    Facts. What are they?

    It doesn't matter what publisher, fact remains, that they have to rent servers for their games. and they usually are 1-3years contracts.
    You're trying so hard to defend vindictus it's funny, I understand you like the game, but stop daydreaming.

    We probably won't recieve an official answer to why they shut down JP, as stated in their ToS, but one can speculate, most logical is not enough revenue, hence terminating the game as it won't be profitable to run a japanese version, they won't shut down the game half way through a contract, no business is stupid enough to do so.
  • noctrednoctred
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,875
    Posts: 148
    You're trying so hard to defend vindictus it's funny, I understand you like the game, but stop daydreaming.

    alright dawg cya in november for the next round of doomsaying.

    also, not sure what's funnier - people defending a game they play or people shitposting on forums of games they don't play.
  • CuraiHotaruCuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    noctred wrote: »
    You're trying so hard to defend vindictus it's funny, I understand you like the game, but stop daydreaming.

    alright dawg cya in november for the next round of doomsaying.

    also, not sure what's funnier - people defending a game they play or people shitposting on forums of games they don't play.

    Trust me shitposting is so much fun, I mean cmon, aren't you guys happy for the forum content I provide? The forums have been so dead, so I spiced things up, heck I should have gotten paid for this content!
  • EmerthystEmerthyst
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,690
    Posts: 250
    edited Juni 2, 2018
    On the comment about PVP being so bad I wonder if you've actually played it and tried to learn it. Yes, it's unbalanced because gear limits are not in place but i genuinely think that if they limit stats on players it might turn into an enjoyable thing i find FFA pretty fun when you can actually get a group of 12 people to do it but there is just no incentive to pvp at all besides artifact rewards. Once you finish those pvp is just not worth doing.
  • CuraiHotaruCuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    Emerthyst wrote: »
    On the comment about PVP being so bad I wonder if you've actually played it and tried to learn it. Yes, it's unbalanced because gear limits are not in place but i genuinely think that if they limit stats on players it might turn into an enjoyable thing i find FFA pretty fun when you can actually get a group of 12 people to do it but there is just no incentive to pvp at all besides artifact rewards. Once you finish those pvp is just not worth doing.

    who r u refering to?
  • EmerthystEmerthyst
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,690
    Posts: 250
    Emerthyst wrote: »
    On the comment about PVP being so bad I wonder if you've actually played it and tried to learn it. Yes, it's unbalanced because gear limits are not in place but i genuinely think that if they limit stats on players it might turn into an enjoyable thing i find FFA pretty fun when you can actually get a group of 12 people to do it but there is just no incentive to pvp at all besides artifact rewards. Once you finish those pvp is just not worth doing.

    who r u refering to?

    at goattanks when he was saying the pvp potential has never been explored and why it was abandoned by the devs and i think that's because they've never associated pvp with any tangible longterm reward for the players.
  • CuraiHotaruCuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    edited Juni 2, 2018
    Emerthyst wrote: »
    Emerthyst wrote: »
    On the comment about PVP being so bad I wonder if you've actually played it and tried to learn it. Yes, it's unbalanced because gear limits are not in place but i genuinely think that if they limit stats on players it might turn into an enjoyable thing i find FFA pretty fun when you can actually get a group of 12 people to do it but there is just no incentive to pvp at all besides artifact rewards. Once you finish those pvp is just not worth doing.

    who r u refering to?

    at goattanks when he was saying the pvp potential has never been explored and why it was abandoned by the devs and i think that's because they've never associated pvp with any tangible longterm reward for the players.

    ah, yeah, you're completly right

    The best thing they did was with the PvP tournament that we never got, if your team won the tournament you'd be rewarded with level 100 items, that last for 7days, until next tournament basically
  • QueenOfManaQueenOfMana
    Vindictus Vertreter: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited Juni 3, 2018
    Tbh, if there ends up being a Vindictus 2, it would be nothing like the original. Like Maplestory 2, it would probably use the same lore, towns/worlds, and characters from the original game, but the combat would end up being entirely different because it would use a different engine. Not too sure how people would respond to that. For me, I wouldn't mind because I would love to see the story continued and go beyond what the original game could do.

    Vindictus 2 could have:
    -Open World Environment (something people have been asking for)
    -Simplified Enchant/Enhance System
    -Story that takes several years after the events of the original game
    -In-depth character customization
    -New generation of heroes (descendants of the original characters, but don't use the exact weapons)

    This is just a small list of what Vindictus 2 could be.
  • uncledolanuncledolan
    Vindictus Vertreter: 955
    Posts: 35
    edited Juni 4, 2018
    everything is declining , not a single decision helps to give this game any rebound. the game has taken countless blows, to name a few:

    - let down to fashiondictus : the laziness to create diverse set for mix match. everything is outiftter with no broken down model, and no chance at normal dye
    - let down to soloist : they nerfed down the good bosses up to a point where they are just completely insignificant. (hero klaus is sure super bad)
    - let down to the raiders : 4 man party instead of 8
    - let down to the gamblers : increasing the enhancement level to +20, reducing the chance to +14 and +15. enhancement is one of the main reason people keep playing the game, at least til they press the button (at least i dont say, the disabling of double boom was bad. it's a decent move)
    - let down to the elitists : the increase of additional damage value up to a point where skill is becoming so insignificant. in old time, good player with +11 can overtake +15 user. at least elitism gives more flavor, competitiveness, compared to war of the riches.
    - let down to the forum addict : this new forum is crap. where is the custom avatar option, which has been long overdue? and they wiped out my 15k posts from old forum too
    - let down to PVPers : no updates to seal items. wait till they delete it like the labyrinth
    - accumulation of useless and stupid craps : useless giant shield, useless light of palala, useless NPCs selling useless gold items (everyone sells wooden weapon and rookie armor. great)
    - let down to the Monster Hunter / Dark Soul fans playing this series : not Nexon fault. the developer keeps coming up with ideads inferior to what vindictus really was about.

    I loved this game, but I only loved how it used to be. the current state it is in, is already different from how it was.
    I want it to run forever, even though I may just log in for a few minutes, just for a quick visit. but should it is superseded as it's becoming a dead weight, I won't be too surprised.

  • EmerthystEmerthyst
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,690
    Posts: 250
    uncledolan wrote: »
    everything is declining , not a single decision helps to give this game any rebound. the game has taken countless blows, to name a few:

    - let down to fashiondictus : the laziness to create diverse set for mix match. everything is outiftter with no broken down model, and no chance at normal dye
    - let down to soloist : they nerfed down the good bosses up to a point where they are just completely insignificant. (hero klaus is sure super bad)
    - let down to the raiders : 4 man party instead of 8
    - let down to the gamblers : increasing the enhancement level to +20, reducing the chance to +14 and +15. enhancement is one of the main reason people keep playing the game, at least til they press the button (at least i dont say, the disabling of double boom was bad. it's a decent move)
    - let down to the elitists : the increase of additional damage value up to a point where skill is becoming so insignificant. in old time, good player with +11 can overtake +15 user. at least elitism gives more flavor, competitiveness, compared to war of the riches.
    - let down to the forum addict : this new forum is crap. where is the custom avatar option, which has been long overdue? and they wiped out my 15k posts from old forum too
    - let down to PVPers : no updates to seal items. wait till they delete it like the labyrinth
    - accumulation of useless and stupid craps : useless giant shield, useless light of palala, useless NPCs selling useless gold items (everyone sells wooden weapon and rookie armor. great)
    - let down to the Monster Hunter / Dark Soul fans playing this series : not Nexon fault. the developer keeps coming up with ideads inferior to what vindictus really was about.

    I loved this game, but I only loved how it used to be. the current state it is in, is already different from how it was.
    I want it to run forever, even though I may just log in for a few minutes, just for a quick visit. but should it is superseded as it's becoming a dead weight, I won't be too surprised.

    fashiondictus: This just sounds like you're sad they don't do multiple armor sets per level anymore and there are reasons for this albeit for money. Dullahan armor is way too strong and is basically required for future content. Fusing a dullahan set and keeping it high enhance(12 or above) is a massive undertaking. They didnt make other lv95 armors because lv90 was such a disaster with a boss set per boss you had one armor getting all the love from players(terminus) and no love (braha,regina,lugh,abom). With dullahan set acting as the functional 'stat' set they are now free to just design outfitters to sell and you don't have to worry about losing your fuses if you use a outfitter (airtight system allows all players to have at least one).

    soloist: I don't know why everyone forgets that they added ein lacher for the soloists. They are not perfect one to one recreations but they will kill you if you don't dodge like the old days and their old attack patterns are left intact. It doesn't have every boss i admit but it has most of them from s1 onward. A recent update to ein lacher even lets you do any battle one time per day regardless if it's the daily rotation so you can just play w/e boss you feel like doing.

    raiders: I agree this change should have just been a party size option

    gamblers: The problem with the old system in their eyes which was not an issue in NA was that it was too easy. Apparently in KR it is way more common to see +15's everywhere because they have more players to supply trying i guess? Apparently keeping everyone at the same level competitively is not allowed. Also +20 will never happen it is added as a lofty goal no one will ever statistically achieve.

    elitist: no a +11 wont beat a +15 user even back then unless the +15 was doing nothing or you were using hurk in his hayday. Character imbalance was rampant back in s2 which might contribute to this viewpoint. It is much better now trust me.

    forums: agreed so many promised things just forgotton including having a mod team.

    PVP: agreed so much potential in pvp but it's wasted. PVP almost needs a tutorial or you will get beaten just from lack of knowledge.

    useless stuff: agreed changing npcs to do nothing was kinda a weird move. fios large shield is situational.

    mh/ds: removal of any tangible reward from break offs was a huge mistake imo
  • SomeguywashereSomeguywashere
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,205
    Posts: 75
    Vindcitus is doomed.

    We can't save it. Nexon will never consider our opinion.

    We're Cashcows until they move on
  • LynndictusLynndictus
    Vindictus Vertreter: 310
    Posts: 6
    To summarize OP is saying to rebuild our community so we can dump more money into this game to keep it alive. However you can't bring new players in if the devs don't listen to feedback so even your veteran players have fed up and quit. Furthermore people won't put money into the game if they feel it is dying and their voice is unheard. At the end of the day this goes back to Nexon not really caring about us (never have, never will).

    OP and all of his supporters are free to keep wasting their money on lootboxes in this game. My money will continue to stay in my wallet while you support the Nexon overlords.