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Just came back and...

Post: 1
in General Discussion
I just came back to Vindictus after a while away. Not sure how long, but Hurk was the newest character and didn't have a second weapon yet.
Anyways, I came back to a very different profile name. I've already changed it back, reset my password (which had also been changed), security questions, and everything else.
One: How does someone steal your account and change your password if you aren't even playing at the time? How would they even get your email to change things?
Two: Is there any way I can find out when my name was changed to "rigorouscrossoint"? I think that's how it was spelled, but I'm not sure. I didn't write it down before changing it back.


  • JinyieJinyie
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,830
    Posts: 219
    Pretty sure there was a wipe at one point for inactive players. And if you're EU I have no idea how you're still here if you didn't register for the migration.
  • MrSamsoniteMrSamsonite
    Vindictus Vertreter: 200
    Post: 1
    The nexon launcher gives you a default pronoun name (adjective + noun) until you change it yourself. Mine is "accomplishedspigot" (too lazy to change it, nobody sees it anyway lol). Also, they "deactivate" accounts that are inactive for a certain amount of time and force you to re-verify them and change your password. Same thing happened to me and I wasn't gone quite as long as you were.