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Why no love for sylas?


  • EnigmaTaroEnigmaTaro
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,815
    Posts: 441
    Probably better to make your own at this rate. It's possible to get essence with less seals than before, and you can gets lots of seals doing abyssal arena.

  • PhantomSaiPhantomSai
    Vindictus Vertreter: 785
    Posts: 7
    Hello :D. This is PhantomSai, a sylas player from west server.
    There are a few points I would like to make on sylas's current status and some pros and cons.
    There's actually quite a bit of sylases on west server with ample +10-+12 oj daggers on the market.
    However, this was only recently when the Sylas player base of the upper lvls 80-90 emerged (a lot from the free lvl 80 character event).
    To have high enhance daggers on the market (or any weapon), there obviously needs to be the sylas players that are willing to gamble upwards to higher enhances on their oj weapons. Then for some reason, they will either have a another higher enhance dagger, a need for money, or lost interest in the character altogether to sell the higher enhance dagger. It is not worth it for a different class to enhance a weapon that is not even theirs to sell as a boom is a permanent lock for a dagger that the other class can't even use.

    Now why there is a lack of sylas on east server, I do not know. Unpopularity is probably the main reason. His play-style is definitely very different from the other classes and those who tried sylas knows his main damage combo is his 4th smash wheel. It is definitely repetitive and even with the update, in most cases there is only a few occasion when 3rd smash should be used over 4th smash.

    Here are some pros and cons for his kit:
    -Illusion Shield
    Although illusion shield is not as strong as evie's corona or long term healing full-party regeneration, it does have it's applications.
    The cast time on illusion shield is short, almost instant. If you know someone or you may take a fatal blow, a illusion shield can be placed at the last second to save you or your ally for 1 hit. Of course in raids, it is rng for where the shield goes but there were times in Regina when someone would have died if it wasn't for a lucky shield proc. If the shield is not popped, the hp restored is decent and since the healing rate is slightly faster than evie's regeneration, it can help you off your feet when you are low in health. It does not even compete with evie's corona healing done, however due to it's interesting double sided healing / shielding ability as well as it's instant activation vs looking for the corona, illusion shield is an okay ability that can heal or safe last minute lives.
    -Soul Drain
    Soul drain is not very good when used with 4 people. The lifesteal is nice, but the time they get to use the lifesteal is too short. Sylas use of soul drain on himself is much more efficient as it lasts the full cooldown duration (30s) and can provide for infinite lifesteal if the player chooses. The lifesteal scales with damage done so it stacks well with extinction roar and phantasmic slash. I can go from 1000 hp to 5000+ in the span of 15-30s if 4th smash combo is used constantly.
    -Vision Dash
    This is a forgotten passive ability that is very useful for the playing style of sylas. Dashing through an enemy allows for full combos to be dodgable with one dash. It is very useful in solos and in tight corners. Plus his dash combo with right click makes sylas one of the fastest class in the game which can make reviving a player on the other end of the map and going back to fight the boss a breeze.
    -Impulse Zone
    I think this is Sylas's strongest aoe active ability. Although it is not flexible at all as it is a medium circle range that is fixed where placed (bad for fast bosses), the buffs are surprisingly good. Primarily the damage taken reduction of 600 for 15 seconds for members that stand in the zone can play more aggressively without worrying too much about dmg taken by the boss. 6 stamina regen a second is pretty decent as well if placed on say a Chain Vella or Kai for 15 seconds. Attack buff is a hit or miss for parties that need it or not.

    That being said, Sylas is stuck in the middle between a support class and a mid-ranged damage class. He doesn't excel at everything but does offer a unique kit and play style that deviates from brawler type classes that populate most of vindi. This very playstyle and general consensus that Sylas has low damage is probably the reason why you don't see too many Sylas players. I disagree with the overall most dps class ranking and meta as it is not the class that is strong, but how well the player knows the kit and plays the class. Any class can out dps another but certain variables such as type of boss, efficient damage cycling, etc affect the outcome. My advice is to not worry about dps done but rather look at how helpful you were to the party during the raid and most importantly, have fun. Skill and knowledge > dps.
  • TradespotTradespot
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,795
    Posts: 132
    These type of discussion have been going over and over.They where probably more accurate back than before the balances and especially way before the balance patch where for example Fiona had no traveling capability outside of feather sprint, was significantly slower,had her stamina depleting so easely and her sheild was breaking relatively fast.Yet she was not that bad in most situations if you took the time to understand.

    One of the thing that makes a character powerful in this game is the Stamina supply,having that capacity to keep attacking without interuption.That is one of the reason why Hurk was pretty dominant not long after he was released.His overall skills are strong but if you'd remove transcanding from when he was 1st introduced he would not have dominated as much for sure.At this point,every character as been properly re-worked to be able to interact with bosses mechanisms in a better way.If you guys where trying to farm hero Irukul or Weeping Queen back than,you probably have an idea what im reffering to.Taking a constant aggro from Weeping Queen if you where a Staff Evie was pretty intense,now flying sparrow as been improved and the Amber is so much more solid.Same for Fiona she would block a couple shots and than have to quickly repair her sheild to only get it broken again a few seconds later and you'd have to damage the boss in the middle of that.

    So even there people will point out that for example Hurk as lost a lot because of the incapacity to parry,wich is a great point,it does serve good purpose,but there is also the fact that there is less moments where other characters will gas out and that's another reason why you can compete with him better now.Some also got speed buff features ect...All that to say that in term of mechanisms no character is left far behind as of right now.Sword Lann can be a little annoying if your crit rate is low and Spear Lann can be very powerful *if you can cope with the defense penalty from Blood Pact*,fairly mediocre if you can't.But it's all very manageable if you understand your character well.

    Kraken is used a lot in these discussions,but it's definitely far from the best fight to base comparisons on:
    -Classes that can absorb versus ones that can't on head rushes
    -Classes that needs to build their smashes versus classes that have quick acces to their smash/counters on head rushes(basically you have more or less chance on getting knocked before you land your smashes)
    -Classes that have a range and hit points advantage on tents versus the ones that havn't

    Lakoria with a runner would be a little better to make some pure damage comparisons in the case of not getting eaten or hit by the tail.Because you can see a point a view where any character can land their attacks efficiently without miss aiming anyhting.Than again it would not necessarely be representative of all the differant circumstances you meet in the game.

    -There is also the fact that some will use stamina pots or conveniant artifacts(one example the typical,mysterious Cat+conversion into mana at start of raid)
    -Merc recovery potions plus
    -where your awakenings stones where on or not
    -where they using SP to heal up other members
    -where they reviving incapacited members or not
    -did they die and vvip revive(grants a temporary invulnerability that allows you to attack recklessly)

    Party skills:
    -Kai i suppose he should ideally use Hunting Party on Cooldown,that's pretty much the only thing that derivates him from his dps roll
    -Scythe,you just pop Beserker and keep going
    -Vella/Lann,i can count on the fingers of 1 hand the times that i saw a Vella using Beserker Spirit for other party members.
    -Staff,you put down Corona,Regen that's it
    -Sylas,you use Illusion shield and it only covers up to 4 members total including you,party mate gets hit 3 sec after you use it and is about to die,you than have to dodge all the way up to him and cast Soul Drain while making sure that he's the only one around you because the more poeple you cast soul Drain on the shorter it last.Impulse Zone,if you see for example an Arisha spamming Arcane Flurry and you decide to cast it for him since you already had enough stam,that's another contribution.So basically,if your someone who doesn't keep your SP just to yourself for your offensive skills,you definitely spend time and SP on helping other players surviving as well as sacrifying some dps.

    There is lots of factors that can alter the performance and in overall i find that all the character are pretty much close now compared to way back.Plain simple if you are to choose a character these days,some will require more focus than others but in general you should just choose the one that you enjoy the most,the differances are nothing like it used to be and if you understand your character well,you can compete very well.

    In the end it does seem like pretty much anybody are basing their arguments on personal raiding experiances,but you can't really talk on a character maximal output without playing it over and over and knowing exactly what will grant a good run versus an ok one.Or at least if you didn't play the class,you need examples of some performing at full potential so you can measure,but there is literally just one that i can see for now.I clearly remember many poeple still saying that sword Vella was weak in parties after her last revamp.After many got used to the changes and proved other wise the same poeple that where saying she was weak started to aknowledge that she is very good in party mode as well,especially with a Cat Statue...Werewolf isn't necessarely as much productive for her the efficiency of it is a little random.It's like judging a Bow Kai who constantly uses Arrow Storm and Ricochet in ShortBow mode.

    The only real differance is that for example a character like Hurk wil have less factors to focus on,while another class will have to focus on the stamina,checking party members hp,making sure that all the hits lands...a Kai can still miss Massive Impact or Six Shooters,but after a while it's a lot less forgiving than having to constantly aim Cyclone Saw and all the shards and all the Spectral Sting.But it's only when you get more and more Sylas that will get a better understanding that you will be able to view the character's max potential more frequently.

    I still think that even thoe it's not on purpose,these judgments are pretty much impartial.

    As for the original question,it was already answered,like Okatsu said,you woulnd't want to risk making a +13 that your are not sure if it will sell or not.The randomness of enhancing can be harsh,but like Saber said i'd rather farm stones and seals and try to make my own+13 for now.You could save up gold and wait for one to appear but you don't know when it's going to happen unfortunately.
  • LoLoBootyLoLoBooty
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,275
    Posts: 665
    As an EAST seller (who doesn't have a Sylas) I can say that a couple times I have crafted phantom daggers and they have expired on the MP. It doesn't take too many of those for me to look elsewhere when crafting.

    PhantomSai makes a good point in that weapons that are higher that +10 are most likely to come from other Sylas's. Now that the return of mats was removed from double boom there is less incentive for non-sylas's to take that risk.

    With that said -- the upcoming update will bring a new weapon and (supposedly) a coupon for +8-+10 -- so I will try to sell phantom +10 daggers again in the coming month.
  • RizzleRizzle
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,860
    Posts: 199
    LoLoBooty said:

    PhantomSai makes a good point in that weapons that are higher that +10 are most likely to come from other Sylas's. Now that the return of mats was removed from double boom there is less incentive for non-sylas's to take that risk.

    With that said -- the upcoming update will bring a new weapon and (supposedly) a coupon for +8-+10 -- so I will try to sell phantom +10 daggers again in the coming month.
    Yeah, nerfing the second boom so you get zero returns has decreased EVERYONE'S interest in going past +10, dramatically.