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Slip/Nimble Dash Invul Glitchy?

Vindictus Vertreter: 740
Posts: 23
edited April 16, 2018 in Lann
While doing Ein Lacher with a half decent 48 attack speed, I consistently notice that I get hit during the middle of my dodges (middle being the period when Lann completes his ducking motion) about 1/7th of the time, and chaining slip dash into nimble dash while inside a hitbox feels near completely arbitrary now, as sometimes it works and sometimes it gets me hit during the transition period between slip to nimble dash. I've tried adjusting my input times, and experimenting with slashing high, which brings my speed up to 98, but the result is the same. Sometimes the chain dashes work, other times they don't, seemingly regardless of my input time. As soon as the animation for nimble dash begins, I get hit. I don't remember this being impossible, as I used to use that technique all the time during solos. Given persistent glitches, or unintentional bugs with invul and hitboxes on bosses like ahglan (where he will arbitrarily hit you if you stun or kill him before he finishes an attack), I don't find it entirely impossible that the invul on slip dash is buggy. I haven't played this game in any serious caliber since a month after Lugh was released, so did they change something with sword lann's dash or attack speed values, or am I just out of practice? I just did two runs of colhen in flames in Ein Lacher (easy boss, simple dodges). One of the runs saw me not get hit at all, and the other had me getting hit 6 times, only 1 of which I can fully verify was my fault. The other 5 happened during dodges, and not at the beginning or end of them.


  • CloakshireCloakshire
    Vindictus Vertreter: 4,580
    Posts: 646
    edited April 17, 2018
    Lann's slip/nimble dash does not have continuous iframes when chained. There is a small window between them where you are vulnerable. I made a post containing a theory to explain this phenomena in another thread which asked a similar question.

    Read my post in this thread & that "should" clear things up for you: Slip Dash on Premiere
  • Daggerpaw12Daggerpaw12
    Vindictus Vertreter: 740
    Posts: 23
    edited April 17, 2018
    It's odd that I don't remember this happening before the Rise update. I've always liked to solo things, and ever since they increase Lann's max slip dash invul period to 0.63 seconds, chaining dashes inside of hitboxes has been possible. It was still possible in s3ep4, if I remember correctly. I'm glad that this isn't just happening to me, though. I have been playing solo on quick departure for the most part. During the period between s3ep2 and s3ep3, I did a Zecallion solo run with terrible attack power that took 25 minutes, and got hit twice, one time because of a glitch that clipped his body through the ground and caused the game to pop him back in place and cancel his current animation. It seems like this dodge issue would have popped up well before the 3 minute mark if it existed then.