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Nexon KR fined by Korean FTC over gacha scheme


  • DragonRiderDragonRider
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    edited April 15, 2018
    Hey all,

    Just thought I would post this video here as it relates to gambling probabilities, and how the owners of such machines (aka "the house") decide what the jackpot win rates are in order for them to turn a significant profit.

    The guy in the video actually invents a machine, inside his backpack (to hide from the security), to hack the gambling machine in attempts to gain a higher rate of jackpot outcomes. Does he succeed with it? Watch the video to find out!

    Video is 7-8 minutes long and is worth a look, but if you really want to see something important, go to 5:10 mark in the video.

    There's a reason why f2p games employ these gambling mechanics, they have hired top psychologists long ago to know that the human mind can easily be snared into spending lots more $$$ with this business tactic. The question is, will it work on you?


  • JinyieJinyie
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,830
    Posts: 219

    Nah , you've read them. But your 2 little lost brain cells cant figure out a response to all the facts presented. You only bring one argument to the table and regurgitate it out like the stupid person you are. And you are pretty stupid, implying random can only mean one thing...


    I like these in particular.


    Oh chance... what is that u ask?


    And can that level of possibility be 0.00001 or 50 or 2 ? I don't see why not.

    Stop drooling all over yourself, it's okay to be stupid, not everyone can think and do more research other than google-ing the word random.

    Let me think of a stupid person explanation.. hmm.

    We take a Jar... are we good so far? You can google jar if its too hard.

    One person puts in 10 tickets... easy there.. dont hurt yourself. Another person puts in 30 tickets. Good so far?..

    A third person has the job of picking out a ticket out of that jar, the one ticket he picks is the winner of whatever.

    Does he pick it at random? Yes he doesnt look and search for the tickets, he just picks one without looking. Are the odds the same for the 2 people? No. Cause one has more tickets than the other, but they can still both be picked. The first one has a lower chance the 2nd a higher.

    Careful not to hurt yourself to badly.


    Can't be going around calling people stupid when you used the wrong "too".
  • PhoebeHalliwelPhoebeHalliwel
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,720
    Posts: 108
    My experience with those boxes has been terrible as well.
    To get the iset set i had to reaxh 450 coupons. Drained out 3 nx sellers plus i've put some nx myself..
    I lost the count of boxes opened... xD
    Anyway, 0 sets and 0 pets appeared.
    I've always picked coupons over items to reach 450 asap.
    The best items that showed up were 10k ap capsule and prem. Weap/Armor fusion runes.
    I don't think drop rates are rigged or something though.. i've seen friends getting pets within few boxes...
    I just had terrible luck i think :/

    Ps : stop being so offensive to each other, it's kinda sad to see. Exposing opinions is fine but you are going a bit too far...
  • DeprivedDeprived
    Vindictus Vertreter: 990
    Posts: 68
    edited April 16, 2018
    Jinyie wrote: »
    Careful not to hurt yourself to badly.

    Can't be going around calling people stupid when you used the wrong "too".


    Yeah this "RobertLivia" person is probably a Nexon employee on another account or just that big of a Nexon fanboy, that he will even defend them and say they're right when they've been exposed of scamming players, lying and deceiving them with these gacha boxes.

    Had to delete his spam images, he thinks posting images and being the more obnoxious loud one will make him right. (Sorry for removing your image Jinyie, just wanted to try and shorten my post a bit, "RobertLivia" images are just spam though)

    He's spamming all his random images to try and make people think he's the more credible person, desperately trying to get people to believe him, that Nexon is right for saying a gacha box is "random" then they change the probability to 0.5% so it's near impossible for you to get certain items lol.

    No, that's wrong, you're wrong "RobertLivia" and Nexon deserves to get sued for that and they are probably lying about the 4% gacha rates here in NA too, they probably changed that number to something else to get players to spend more money trying to get that rare gacha item the same way they lied and secretly lowered gacha rates in Nexon KR.

    Please people, don't waste your money on gacha boxes, you see Nexon is being sued for lying about gacha rates, they LIED pretty much EVERY TIME they said mysterious ice cube, game board and enhance coupon events were "random" when they really weren't (and I describe how they did this on page 2 of the thread), so how do you know they aren't LYING when they say "yeah the chance to get this rare gacha item is 4%" just like all the other times they lied? How do you know they aren't going back in the system and lowering that 4% number to 1 or 2%, that way you can spend several hundreds of dollars and never get that rare gacha item you wanted, more money for them right?

    And that's the name of the game, to profit as much as possible off of you.

    Please don't throw your money at liars and thieves like Nexon guys, they are literally being sued for stealing money from players with these gacha rates they claim is one thing but is really a lot lower than what they say.
    Hey all,

    Just thought I would post this video here as it relates to gambling probabilities, and how the owners of such machines (aka "the house") decide what the jackpot win rates are in order for them to turn a significant profit.

    The guy in the video actually invents a machine, inside his backpack (to hide from the security), to hack the gambling machine in attempts to gain a higher rate of jackpot outcomes. Does he succeed with it? Watch the video to find out!

    Video is 7-8 minutes long and is worth a look, but if you really want to see something important, go to 5:10 mark in the video.

    There's a reason why f2p games employ these gambling mechanics, they have hired top psychologists long ago to know that the human mind can easily be snared into spending lots more $$$ with this business tactic. The question is, will it work on you?


    Well said DragonRider and great video.

    That video shows you how these supposedly "random" gambling machines are not random at all - the owner can make it so you only get a jackpot after "X" amount of tries and who knows what crazy number that could be. Nexon can do the very same thing, where a player will ONLY win a rare gacha item or pet after a certain amount of gacha boxes have been opened on the server, everyone else? You get nothing but junk items and you waste lots of money and this ensures Nexon makes a certain amount of money off of players every gacha event.

    This video also shows how that gambling machine with the lights is up to always land on something just BEFORE or AFTER the jackpot item, the most valuable items you can win 9 times out of 10, so you almost always lose and get nothing. The guy in the video even made a little gadget (and thoroughly tested it to make sure it isn't his gadget that's at fault) that should've made him win the "random" light game but the gambling machine would only let him win once every 30 times or so on average.

    This is EXACTLY what Nexon does with those "random" game board events for example. Notice how the game will show some dice piece being rolled, making you think the number you're going to get is random when it really isn't and the majority of the time the number you get will put you right BEFORE or AFTER the best items on the game board. It's because it isn't really random at all, they only want you to win the best items on that "random" game board a certain amount of times and it keeps you hoping that you'll get it "oh I was so close to winning that good item! i'll probably get it next time!" and you keep trying and trying and for most of your tries you won't get the good items on that game board.

    Like DragonRider said, these game companies hire top psychologists that know how the human mind works, they know the best ways to try and get you to waste lots of money, how they can exploit you as a player, exploit the fact that you have that hope for that rare gacha item, to tease you with it by posting pictures of it, trying to get you excited for it, making game announcements for everyone that gets that rare gacha item like that pet you wanted to make you even more likely to go and try to get that rare gacha item too like they did - surely if they got that rare pet or avatar outfit you can get one too right? Not even realizing that this other guy just probably spent several hundreds of dollars to get it. Or this guy that just got the rare gacha item is that 1 lucky person out of hundreds and everyone else is wasting hundreds and hundreds of dollars to get it when the system is set up so only X amount of people are allowed to get the best items from that gacha box, that you might only be allowed to get that rare gacha item after X total tries on the server.

    This whole gacha box system is designed to make you want to gamble and waste your money and with a company like Nexon that has a history of lying every single time they had any events that they claimed were "random" why should you take the word for it that they're being honest with these paid gacha boxes? I wouldn't give my money to someone who has no respect for me lying to my face like this and has been lying to players for SEVERAL years. Every single time Nexon ran an event and it had anything to do with chance they always made sure that IT WAS NOT truly random, they made sure that most players would get junk/trash items and made sure a ridiculously small amount of players got anything good, that's not random, that's just plain keeping their foot down on our necks because they don't think we deserve to have anything good, we only deserve junk items from "random" events, only a few get to have the good items.

    Why would you give your hard earned money to people like that? Lying shows lack of respect and in this case Nexon's lying shows how they have no respect for us as players and they are being sued for lying to players about gacha rates.

    So like DragonRider said:
    There's a reason why f2p games employ these gambling mechanics, they have hired top psychologists long ago to know that the human mind can easily be snared into spending lots more $$$ with this business tactic. The question is, will it work on you?

    You can either have a strong mind and discipline yourself and with your money, know that Nexon is lying and deceiving players, they have a history of this and not waste your money on these gacha boxes, limit yourself to maybe 10 or 20 bucks that you might have lying around but that's it, I wouldn't give them anything at all. Or have a weak mind, give in and go spending ridiculous amounts of money and not get much of anything for it, definitely not get your money's worth most of the time and continue to support liars and thieves like Nexon.

    And you know, I'm not even surprised that they're being sued for lying about gacha rates, they've been lying for years, I'm just glad the FTC caught on to it and is finally punishing them for it. But the sad thing is that Nexon NA can continue to lie to us, lie about gacha rates because there is no one regulating them here in the states.

    But you can do your part by not supporting those liars at all, quit throwing your money at a game company that has zero respect for you as a player and they show how they have no respect for us by lying about "random" events that are rigged against us, ensuring most players get junk and only a handful get the good items. And like I said they have ZERO credibility so you have no reason to believe them when they claim that there is a "4%" chance to get that rare gacha item, they have a history of lying about EVERYTHING chance related so why would you waste money on another chance related "random" item that they're probably lying about too?
  • DrachusDrachus
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,880
    Posts: 69
    edited April 16, 2018
    The other problem is that while opening boxes you also get the "4 other things" which you can get and it's beyond obvious that they're fabricated. The chances are highly unlikely that I get a potion/megaphone or whatever and that the other possible outcomes were 3 sets + a rune 3x in a row. It just gives you that false hope of "OH IF I CLICKED HERE I'D GET IT. DAMN SO CLOSE."
  • RobertLiviaRobertLivia
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,905
    Posts: 187
    edited April 16, 2018
    @Jinyie Thanks!
    @Drachus yes, that is how slot machines work as-well, " Oh one or 2 more tiles down and I would have gotten the jackpot'' Difference you are more likely to get a pet than hitting a jackpot on a real life slot machine.

    Nice little video there, telling the obvious things like people don't know that.. maybe uninformed people.
    #BoycotLasVegas :cryingfaceemoji:

    I like how the rtard known as Deprived, accentuates the fact that they are being SUED... OH NO! SUED! (IN Korea not NA) Have to tell that difference, the laws are different in the USA, compared to Korea , don't you think?

    Being SUED in his opinion means you are GUILTY. What happened to "INNOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY'' ? That is why you have the right to defend yourself.
    This Deprived sad little man has no idea how the judiciary system works.. ergo: Sued = Guilty
    If you don't agree with that you can go live in North Korea with Rocket man, you'll fit right in ;)

    Btw Nexon NA is not being sued, but you can do it, it is your right. Why don't you take your little dictionary, hire a lawyer and go sue Nexon NA? It's not that hard tbh, I just doubt you get to see the inside of the courtroom even , but hey it is your right.

    But no you wont follow through with your claims, you just like being butthurt on the forums. This is your natural habitat to spread propaganda.

    Sad sad little man... :(

    Looking forward for the next Gacha, I heard they will bring new outfits and wings +love $_$
  • DeprivedDeprived
    Vindictus Vertreter: 990
    Posts: 68
    edited April 16, 2018
    Drachus wrote: »
    The other problem is that while opening boxes you also get the "4 other things" which you can get and it's beyond obvious that they're fabricated. The chances are highly unlikely that I get a potion/megaphone or whatever and that the other possible outcomes were 3 sets + a rune 3x in a row. It just gives you that false hope of "OH IF I CLICKED HERE I'D GET IT. DAMN SO CLOSE."


    And I would ignore this "RobertLivia" posts, he's looking a lot like a Nexon employee on another account. He's been reduced to nothing more than a whining child throwing personal insults because no one will agree with him, he doesn't realize how weak his points are and how delusional he is, actually trying to defend and justify liars deceiving players like Nexon.

    That or he's just a foreigner, is confused and is that obsessed with Nexon that he's blind to the fact that Nexon is obviously in the wrong and that Nexon has a history of lying and deceiving players. They're just having to pay for it now and he refuses to accept that.

    Funny how he's THE ONLY ONE trying to defend and justify what Nexon did, out of over a thousand people that have looked at this thread lol
  • RobertLiviaRobertLivia
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,905
    Posts: 187
    Exactly, I would ignore this ''Deprived'' because he ignores any valid points made cause he has no argument to counter with... :(

    Didnt answer why he doesn't sue Nexon NA , considering he is right.. he probably cant afford a lawyer poor deprived thing. Throw him in a dollar.

    Innocent till proven guilty is a weak point, you hear that guys?

    He call me a foreigner but he doesn't know anything about US law, +wow SUED=GUILTY.
    If you get sued for anything guys, don't even defend yourself, you are guilty.. just admit it. :D

    The only thing you are Deprived of is a couple brain cells.
  • DeprivedDeprived
    Vindictus Vertreter: 990
    Posts: 68
    edited April 16, 2018
    Wow, not even going to argue anymore. xD

    I thought you said you weren't going to argue anymore Robert?

    Like I said that makes you a liar, you're saying one thing but doing the other, you don't stand by your word and a man is nothing if they can't keep their word and that's why I don't even read your posts anymore.

    But you're still posting and arguing, probably sitting there refreshing this page every 30 seconds lol. Still arguing and throwing insults showing how immature you are, still being a Nexon fanboy kissing their ass, you don't care how much evidence Nexon has stacked up against them, you don't care how obvious it is that they're in the wrong, that they did in fact deceive and mislead players about gacha rates, you just can't stop yourself from kissing Nexon's ass nonstop no matter how guilty they are, just stop, give up.

    You're making a fool out of yourself trying to convince people that Nexon was actually right for changing and lowering gacha rates without even telling anyone just to steal more money from players.

    Fun fact: Nexon is able to change rates of anything while the server is still online. So if they want to they can lower those gacha rates without even taking the server down or doing server maintenance, the same way they lowered gacha rates in Nexon KR to make it harder to get the rare items and make more money off of players hoping for those rare items from gacha boxes. Just something to think about.
  • PhoebeHalliwelPhoebeHalliwel
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,720
    Posts: 108
    Even if all of this is true and drop rates are rigged etc, i believe that most of people would still keep trying them if they are trully interested in the box's content..(be it by buying boxes themselves or from other players)
    not much to say about that but -> tumblr_p58y5rttpg1vj3yico1_500.gif

    @Deprived Do we have actual evidence of drop rates being different from what they announced right now? In the past maybe it's been so, you think they'd still keep lying about it after being sued?

    ..Anyway 1 2 3 4% is always a very low chance.. As far as i know the max drop rate of valuable items from older boxes was (at least in theory?) 5%..

    screw dropping :< that's for the lucky ones.
    i'd love to see the amount of coupon required to unlock sets or whatsoever reduced to.. 300 coupons at least!

  • RobertLiviaRobertLivia
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,905
    Posts: 187
    edited April 16, 2018
    I can say and do whatever I want in my rights, stop me.


    You are very sad and pathetic, complaining like a whiny b, on the forums without not doing anything to follow through your statements.

    Fun fact: You can sue them

    You do not have any sort of standing arguments besides, your opinion and you ''think''. Might as well believe in unicorns.

    Fun fact: Innocent till proven guilty.

    Fun fact: I am talking about Nexon NA, not Nexon KR. Even if Nexon Kr gets sued the party at fault is not determined yet by a judge. Only by whinny kids like this on the forum who think they uncovered a grand scheme. Playing Sherlock Holmes, googling dictionaries.

    Go home and eat your veggies.

    Yes the boxes are rigged, they are stealing all your money, even forcing you psychologically to buy their products.. yes. Also Lizard people are real and Obama turned the frogs gay with chem trails.
    Happy now? :(

    Fun fact: This ''Deprived'' answers almost instantly. But he is not stalking the thread.
  • MadcobraMadcobra
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    edited April 16, 2018
    Even if all of this is true and drop rates are rigged etc, i believe that most of people would still keep trying them if they are trully interested in the box's content..(be it by buying boxes themselves or from other players)
    not much to say about that but -> tumblr_p58y5rttpg1vj3yico1_500.gif

    @Deprived Do we have actual evidence of drop rates being different from what they announced right now? In the past maybe it's been so, you think they'd still keep lying about it after being sued?

    ..Anyway 1 2 3 4% is always a very low chance.. As far as i know the max drop rate of valuable items from older boxes was (at least in theory?) 5%..

    screw dropping :< that's for the lucky ones.
    i'd love to see the amount of coupon required to unlock sets or whatsoever reduced to.. 300 coupons at least!

    I agree ppl will always buy boxes no matter what they think about it . For example ME . I knew chances are really low but at the end if i can buy avatar or pet for tickets im fine with it . Its less expensive anyway because you can sell some items like runes etc and get some gold back . Thanks god all items are airtight , if theywould be just bounded i doubt anyone would buy at all . There is just one funny thing in crystal cubes what i just need to point here . Only 30 tickets for avatar what is worth over 400 tickets whyyyyyyyyyy
  • DeprivedDeprived
    Vindictus Vertreter: 990
    Posts: 68
    edited April 16, 2018
  • DrachusDrachus
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,880
    Posts: 69
    edited April 16, 2018
    Fun fact: Innocent till proven guilty.
    I 100% agree.
    Fun fact: I am talking about Nexon NA, not Nexon KR. Even if Nexon Kr gets sued the party at fault is not determined yet by a judge. Only by whinny kids like this on the forum who think they uncovered a grand scheme. Playing Sherlock Holmes, googling dictionaries.

    This is kinda a broken argument. Nexon NA, Nexon KR, Nexon whatever... They all ARE Nexon. If one of them is guilty there are high possibilities that the others are as well. It's like reading the book and 50% of it is having claims made against that it's a lie/fraud/whatever, wouldn't that discriminate the other half of the book as well? We can't say for sure, but this should raise the concern of how Nexon handles things.
    Yes the boxes are rigged, they are stealing all your money, even forcing you psychologically to buy their products.. yes. Also Lizard people are real and Obama turned the frogs gay with chem trails.
    Happy now? :(

    I don't see why did you put something that is actually quite common in the business industries along with 2 superstitious claims. Psychologically manipulating people into doing something is not something new.

    Previously, while replying to my comment you said that it's how slot machines work. Yes and no. The ones that work like that are actually against the law because they're taking advantage of person's addiction to earn more money. As far as I know each and every one of those must have a warning to stop the person from spending more money. Now whether that people abide by that law or not, that is a question for a different matter.

    In conclusion... Sure you can't be 100% sure that Nexon NA is also involved in the same gimmick but as stated previously Nexon NA and Nexon KR are still the same company. In all honesty I am really glad that this topic is getting this attention.

  • DeprivedDeprived
    Vindictus Vertreter: 990
    Posts: 68
    edited April 16, 2018
    Even if all of this is true and drop rates are rigged etc, i believe that most of people would still keep trying them if they are trully interested in the box's content..(be it by buying boxes themselves or from other players)
    not much to say about that but -> tumblr_p58y5rttpg1vj3yico1_500.gif

    @Deprived Do we have actual evidence of drop rates being different from what they announced right now? In the past maybe it's been so, you think they'd still keep lying about it after being sued?

    ..Anyway 1 2 3 4% is always a very low chance.. As far as i know the max drop rate of valuable items from older boxes was (at least in theory?) 5%..

    screw dropping :< that's for the lucky ones.
    i'd love to see the amount of coupon required to unlock sets or whatsoever reduced to.. 300 coupons at least!

    Sure there's nothing wrong with trying the gachas with maybe 10 or 20 bucks but I think it's a very, very bad idea to go spending hundreds on them or even $50 because you will most likely get burned badly, just like what happened in the article where Nexon is being sued for lowering the gacha rates - a guy spent the equivalent of over $400 and didn't get much of anything from it, none of the rare valuable items. I'm sure people started complaining about that to the FTC in Korea and they discovered Nexon KR had actually lowered the gacha rates to steal all this money from players and getting nothing but junk items, either way the FTC found out about them lowering the supposedly "random" gachas. You can't roll a dice piece, money is involved and you make it so there is only a 0.5% probability of getting certain sides of that dice piece that people are trying to get - and that's exactly what Nexon did.

    So yeah, like you said it's the player's choice to go and try spending all that money on gachas and probably be one of the many that get burned and waste a lot of money getting junk items.

    As for your question, no, there's no evidence of them changing the 4% drop rate gachas here in NA but if you look at all the events they've held over the past several years, anything that involved chances or probability like the "random" game board, the "mysterious ice cube" login event, the up to +15 coupon "random" events, Nexon NA lied to players about the rates of every single one of them. They claim those events are random, misleading players to think you have an equal probability of getting each possible item but what really happened is the overwhelming majority of players got nothing but junk items with the game board events most of the time (I've done those game board events myself many times over the years and it's always rigged against you so you only get the good items very, very few times), the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of players just got AP capsules for the "mysterious ice cube" login event and almost no one got an enhance coupon and NO ONE has ever gotten a +15 coupon from that up to +15 enhance coupon event, every time they do it, almost the entire server gets +10 enhance coupons - that's not "random" - so Nexon NA has a very long history and there is a pattern of them lying and misleading players when it comes to anything that has to do with chance.

    So if Nexon NA has a history of lying about all these other events that had to do with probability, chance and it's obvious those events were rigged, it's safe to say they are probably lying about the "4%" chance gacha items here, I wouldn't trust those gachas for a second, why would I trust someone that has lied to my face 923823328832 times in the past? "Oh we aren't lying this time we promise! You have a 4% chance to get that rare item from the gacha box!" See where I'm going with that? Nexon NA has no credibility, and why would I even give a game company my money when they intentionally give players junk items and throw scraps at them, lie to players EVERY SINGLE TIME they do a supposedly "random" event like the game board, enhance coupon and +15 coupon events?

    It's so ridiculous it's funny what they do in the +15 "random" coupon events - they give players this false hope that they actually have a chance at getting a +15 enhance coupon, they say it's just "random" and what do they do? They give everyone +10 enhance coupons instead lol A few got +11 and +12 coupons but it's obvious they manipulated the rates so that most would get a certain enhance coupon and made it so it's near impossible to get the best items that's not what you call "random", that's just making the game work against the player and lowering the rates of the good items because you don't think players deserve a fair and equal chance at getting the good items.

    So while it's not set in stone that they're lying about the 4% gacha boxes here in Nexon NA, they have a very long history of lying and manipulating every single other "random" item (and I've given some examples above) so I have no reason to trust them to not manipulate the 4% rate on the gacha boxes as well.

    And there's no one regulating them on the "random" items here at Nexon NA in the states to ensure they are truly random so that's why they can get away with it here in America, no one can make sure that 4% rate on the gacha boxes really is true so we don't know whether they're changing that number again. But judging by their history of changing all the other "random" rates in the past to make sure most players get junk items I think they probably are doing something to that 4% number or they're adding other variables to make that 4% number become even lower (notice how they fill those 4% gacha boxes with fishing rods, exp capsules and other junk).

    This is why I don't trust their 4% gacha boxes at all and I would recommend not spending more than maybe 10 or 20 bucks on them at the most if you can help it, preferably not buying them at all because your money is likely to be wasted and go down the drain. Let the ones that want to spend their whole paycheck or tax refund on them waste their money until they get that rare item you want then just buy it with gold. Nexon KR being sued for lowering their gacha rates to steal even more money from players is even more reason to not trust Nexon as a whole when it comes to anything that has to do with money and gacha boxes.

  • RobertLiviaRobertLivia
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,905
    Posts: 187

    It is different if one half of the book is in one country and the other in another, since laws can be different even for the smallest thing.

    Also I am not aware of slot machines in major Casinos and such displaying your actual chance of winning the jackpot in percentages (%)
    Gambling in the US is heavily regulated btw.
    Gachas do not fall under gambling by US law if I'm not mistaken,you can look it up.

    The legislation can change and put gachas under the same roof as slot machines etc...
    Which I'm all for, the more regulated the better.

    And Lastly with gaming companies usually before even entering their game you have to agree to a "User Agreement " once you press yes to that you agree to several terms of use. Which you can read up on.

    If you do not agree with their practices you can press No and not play the game. Its a free world.. Mostly.

    Same as the choice you have of going in a casino or not, Spending 10k on roulette and losing. No one is going to give you your money back and you cannot sue them,cause its unfair . Ofc it is,the odds are mostly always against you,and that is not illegal that is gambling.
  • GanonGamer34GanonGamer34
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,180
    Posts: 39
    edited April 16, 2018
    Probably shouldn't throw a comment in here cause somebody's gonna wanna argue, but doing it anyway.

    Any game that involves some form of "random" or "RNG" or "chance" is always going to benefit the owner than the customer. Odds are purposely set low to make you spend more in order to make the most money off of you.

    That literally applies to everything in the gaming industry that's "random." Loot boxes, card packs, lottery machines, everything. Not sure how cards work (Referring to games like Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic: The Gathering) but I'm pretty sure those companies purposely print out the rare/good cards in lesser quantities than the common/okay cards simply because they know you're going to go searching for those rare/good cards in every pack you buy. Same thing goes for Hearthstone, Legendary cards are always rare as hell because (for the most part) Legendary cards are really good. Every good deck in Hearthstone has at least 1 or more legendary cards.

    Loot boxes. Good items are always set to low % value simply because the owner knows how much the item is wanted/benefits the customer. That's why outfitters and runes and such (In Vindictus's case) are always so low, because they know you want the outfit in the box, and they're gonna try to get as much as they can possibly run you dry for.

    I would think something like this would be common sense. A business will always try to make as much as they possibly can work for. And as much as I want to say Nexon is a perfect example of this, so are most other game companies. That's why DLC's and stuff exist. They want you to buy their game but then release the other half of the game later so that you can buy that other half and give them more money.

    But that's my two cents :P
  • DragonRiderDragonRider
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    Madcobra wrote: »

    I agree ppl will always buy boxes no matter what they think about it . For example ME . I knew chances are really low but at the end if i can buy avatar or pet for tickets im fine with it . Its less expensive anyway because you can sell some items like runes etc and get some gold back . Thanks god all items are airtight , if theywould be just bounded i doubt anyone would buy at all . There is just one funny thing in crystal cubes what i just need to point here . Only 30 tickets for avatar what is worth over 400 tickets whyyyyyyyyyy

    Im curious, how many tickets (1-30) did EACH $2 crystal opening give you?

    if you average 15 tickets per opening, that's $60 total just for a small virtual pet or pretty cosmetic outfit. The full price of a newly-released retail value game on average.
  • DragonRiderDragonRider
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    edited April 16, 2018
    I can say and do whatever I want in my rights, stop me.

    Yes the boxes are rigged, they are stealing all your money, even forcing you psychologically to buy their products.. yes. Also Lizard people are real and Obama turned the frogs gay with chem trails.
    Happy now? :(


    Actually the source is Atrazine, not chem trails.

  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    @GanonGamer34 Yes, you are correct that Magic: The Gathering has rare cards that at least as of last I played there was no way to guarantee that you'd get them. Honestly I had no issue with it for normal play because it was just something fun to do. Knowing that there are people who are competitive with it and that certain cards give a distinct advantage and can only be acquired by throwing more cash at the game I can see how it is a problem for those who take it more seriously. They also never published the rates in the past AFAIK, but after baseball card companies like Top Deck were cleared of any liability for having different distribution rates it was pretty much a free for all with cards of any type.

    Card games also aren't nearly so easily had as access to RNG boxes from digital games, so I'm sure that helped to lessen the scrutiny. Now you can purchase boxes even when you aren't playing games, even from mobile, something that even Vegas hasn't managed to make accessible in terms of on demand gambling. Thing is that those in charge get bonuses based on short-term gains, so they have no vested interest in making the best product, only what gets quick returns. The eventual backlash from law makers may be quite a bit worse than what would have happened had the gaming industry done the right thing to begin with, but those in charge were more than incentivized not to.
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