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VindiFashion's social links!

Vindictus Vertreter: 850
Posts: 74
edited März 14, 2018 in General Discussion
This is a message to talk a bit about the social aspects you can access of the new guild VindiFashion (http://forums.vindictus.nexon.net/discussion/13859/new-guild-vindifashion?new=1)

*VindiFashion's tumblr: https://vindifashionguild.tumblr.com (members only to post)
*VindiFashion's Youtube channel: UNDER CONSTRUCTION (videos of member events)
*VindiFashion's Message Board: http://vindifashion.boardhost.com/index.php
*VindiFashion hosted petition (ANYONE CAN SIGN!): https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/host-a-design-contest

Please excuse the emptiness of these sites as this guild is just starting. Please join to have fun in things like fashion shows, lingerie and fashion only RARs, fashion contests, dance parties and more. Joining allows you to do things like submit pics of your characters to our tumblr and videos to Youtube. I just wanted to try and do something fun for the community so please, no negative comments, thank you!!!