Hello everybody.
I'm a veteran of Vindictus, I played this game since 2011 (Vindictus Europe)
Maybe there're a lot of people still wanna try fall in love again with Vindictus, some people still love the action combat game-play of Vindictus throughout the years.
I made this topic, to share to all of you, why do I love Vindictus, but also,I wanna listen to all of you,
why do you love Vindictus? Why did you choose Vindictus? Please tell me the most memorable things that Vindictus bring you.
For all of us, we all know that Vindictus still be a good graphics game, its action combat gameplay that no other online games can compare to. I would not say that Vindictus has the best action combat gameplay than other games but, it has the gameplay that make you'd always retry, and can't forget it, you'll always wanna click, wanna remember and invite some old friends to come back to Vindictus by somehow.
[Memorable things]
- I still remember the day all member of my guild tried to help newbie in Colru The Golem. It's the 70 patch,the 24-mans Dragon just released. At that time, Lann still be a Spin2Win character, I saw my guild leader spin his twin-spears to attack the boss with many skills of a Lann spear must have - spinning but still enduring the Colru's attacks.
- I remember the day when I play as an Evie Staff. We don't have much spell like Rage Conductor or Continuous Focus or Casting Save, or Moving Focus. All we have are Ice Spear, Fire Bolt, Blind Arrows and Ice Blast. But I was still the 1st rank damage dealer to boss. No matter how high damage are you, 100 MATT? 500 MATT? or 1000 MATT? Evie Staff still became the best damage dealer if they're skilled enough.
- Do you still remember the day when the Fiona can still break their shield if they don't repair it? It's sometime hmmm.... hard to play but, that's what Vindictus needs. A well team-work party would be the best recommended in Vindictus. The time Staffie can't even solo Ekinar Hero mode, but if I have a Fiona in my team, that will be the best fit ever. Vindictus is an online game, not an offline game.
[My thought about RISE]
After RISE, I feel like this game is more P2W. Yeah, that's it. Maybe people would say "Hell yeah, of course, this game need money to be alive". But all of you, please, what did you see from RISE? Many and many people quit the game, maybe they wanna back, but they'll leave it again very soon due to the boring gameplay.
I don't see many newbie but if there're, they still wanna quit because the 90 gameplay just "S3 raids all day".
Where's the challenge that we need a team of 8? Where're those grinding day in Ekinar Hero mode? The day I came in and my guild members happy and ask me for helping them grinding Ekinar Hero mode? DevCat removed all of our choices. Why do you know that we'll enjoy the Season 3 normal battles? It's ******** bored. I love the the one who chain hooked the Larken than the one just wandered around the boss and die.
Why don't you revamp the rate drop? Or just make us earn more money by grinding many times in a dungeon? Would you ever realize that you can only earn more real money from us when you have many players in the game? When there're more free-player, they will also bring more pay-players. Nah, people you can tell me I'm a f******* cry baby for free-players but, you're wrong. I'm strong enough in this game but, I feel like, I've lost something, since the RISE released, the newbie I wanna carry them... the skills I wanna teach them... How skilled I am... Which tricks that I've used.... no more.... All the things I can tell them now are "I've paid a lot of money for this game" , "Req 25.000 Pow, 200 Tech, req 3500 Additional damage". Where's my old-day confidence?

Lionotus still a challenge for all of oldbies if they challenged him in Hero mode, but now? Woo... poor Lionotus...
Really? Do you want this casual gameplay? If yes, why did you remove all of our challenge gameplay?
Just add the casual mode. That's it.
I don't complain about the +20 weapons. But I complain about the additional damage revamp.
DevCat can still fix if they wanna do it, right now, revamp the Hero Mode & its rate drop for S1,S2 raids, revamp the Hero mode for S1,S2 dungeon, add the 8-mans raid mode. But only God know what do they want...
So, how about your thoughts? Please leave a comment below. I wanna listen to all of you guys, to oldbie, do you remember these old days? If yes, please share your feelings... If no, then you can also tell me what makes you love the RISE, what makes you hate it? To newbie, why did you choose Vindictus? If you've not trained up to level 95 yet, just comeback and share with me how do you feel once you've tried the lv.95 contents.
Why i hate it: The transformation is complete, we became SIMS with some fighting elements here and there
Nexon, please put all characters's emotes/dances up for sale. 99 cents each, and i will buy a ton of them lol... my fiona needs karok dance so bad...
and while i'm dreaming, nexon please let us mix-n-match undies. i don't always want to wear matching bra and panties +fight
on topic: i've been playing since first release, no game comes close to the action combat of vindi...and no game matches the fashion.
Fashion is the other strong point, you have a diverse array of options in gear, outfits, cosmetics. Visually they range from bad to great but clipping is often an issue. Customization is always appreciated and Vindictus offers the best I've seen.
For nostalgia or for fun, i enjoy doing dragons, Niflheim, Eochaid, Glas and a few other bosses. Although recycling is a thing, there are many interesting boss concepts and eye candy in the game. Lastly, there's been one great constant since the release, the music, namely the boss themes are memorable and i'll listen to them long after the game will be shut down.
Haha. I also love those old-days musics too, incredible combat themes.
But I dunno when will I can hear it everyday again except on YouTube. Cuz nobody ask for a help in Lionotus, Dragons anymore.
Previously I voted for Premiere becuz of the gameplay in XE too bored. Before the Evie Revamp, XE version was a perfect melody, many action and many useful tricks. And then Season 2 release, Evie revamp, XE version become too easy to play. I feel like my characters are God, not those bosses. Then I've vote for Premiere instead.
Omg, too much memories...
For me It depends on Additional Damage more than before.
Previously, there're also a lot of people with +15 Weapons and Armor, but they never solo the boss too easily, they need more skill to solo a boss.
Now? Sorry, the S3 raids' mechanic is too easy. It doesn't mean that you can't win the game without cash or something but... relying too much on your equipment and it's much more easier to solo those boss make me feel like .... I lost something, like allies, friends, it looks like an offline game more than it should be.
The next reason is you can't win someone has a slightly higher additional damage than you, even if they are skilled, but not skilled as you, and they still win. By somehow, even if they're not 1st but look, they will only lose ~0.2% damage dealt.
Because I like to suffer playing in pay2win for free. I thought everyone was playing for this reason.
The +13 gacha stone is the best example. And that won't be the last p2w gacha.
A stone that's pretty damn rare to boot, not like getting a 13 is out of this world. It can be done without the money. IF we get something like a 100% +15 stone then I'll eat my words I guess, highest I've seen in files is a 80% +14 stone thus far.
Win what? The guy has a higher damage % at the end of the battle? Is that the problem here? I thought we left this behind back in 2012.
Not that all bro, don't you see that the S3 battles is much easier if you have atleast one 3.500 additional damage dealer in your team? Well, every hit they make like a magic, woo, 1/2 boss HP.
Yeah, I won't say it's wrong but they remove the team challenge content, and it depends on your equipment much more than before. As I said, I wish they should not remove the challenge mode, though the casual mode is still acceptable. But that's not what I feel bored, the main reason I feel is there's no more Season 2 raid, I mean, even if you don't do Season 1, or Season 2 raid, nothing happen, and if you do it, nothing happen too, cuz there're trash drops. Make everything play around the Season 3 battles, the rate drop is ******** boring.... Except those raid boss but, nah, I want more raid and more choice on normal battle you know... Playing around with Season 2 raids + Random ES make me feel like I lost my own way xD
Nah but sorry I forgot that our server is P2B (Pay 2 more Beautiful)