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prices raised again for character slot?
Just thought i'd ask as i remember them being 3200ish then it was 5600 and now they are 9900.
Edit: I looked at the patch notes for the server merge and found that regular character slots were a thing for EU only and were removed.
So the exchange rate from the pound and euro is good towards the dollar but yet the NA version had to pay almost double what we were paying. Not only that, when we charge NX we don't get the same exchange rate.
I personally think it is a little rude of NEXON to charge people different for items from different parts of the world. NX is a fake currency, it doesnt belong anywhere else but on nexon's games but yet the prices are different and taking more real money off people for less.
9900 nx for a new character is quite high. bring back the 3500 or atleast put it into a coupon so we can buy it off people or the market board.
personally, I'm not interested in buying a premium character slot.
I believe that when they released Miri, we should all have gotten a free character slot in the process.
Just like they did when they released Arisha. so that everyone could have a chance to make Miri without having to buy anything or going to the Europe server to make one.
One extra character equals one free slot I believe.
I used to have 2 free slots left on the east server before the merge that I was reserving for that option.
I am still gonna play the game because I like the game even though and if I really want to make one I would have to delete a bunch of characters like 6 of them
I'm juste gonna do with what i have for now and time will dictate my actions.
Whish everyone a lot of good time in the game. Hopefully things will change for the better with the future contents.
(btw you don't have to buy character slots, i know, but it does help title-share count, instead of mindlessly re-grinding it on another account, which is just dumb af)