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Hero's Box, Enchant runes and Enhance runes

Vindictus Vertreter: 915
Posts: 81
in General Discussion
Local semi-whale
When ever someone (usually new players) asks me what to do when they use up their 3 free enhance runes or enchant runes from leveling up I have to tell them to do 1 of 3 things
Yolo - not good for new players mental state
Spend 100 seals or 235 seals on an "UNSTABLE" ( 1 time use-doesn't give rune frag)- Seals better used for lvl 90 +13 weapon, so not optimal
Spend money- I mean some can, some cannot

Airtight enhance runes and enchant runes are almost never for sale on mp.
If they were added to the regular pool of items from Hero's box it should increase the volume and create a steady income of runes available to new players because they would probably sell between 10-15m for enhance runes and enchant runes probably top at 20m, which is achievable.

"Why not just give away more free ones?" - lol k. We know this wouldn't happen but maybe Nexon would add them to their money making strategy.
  1. Add em to Hero's box?20 votes
    1. Yes, for the new players
       80% (16 votes)
    2. No, Whales have enough
       20% (4 votes)


  • EmerthystEmerthyst
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,690
    Posts: 250
    edited February 23, 2018
    This wouldn't just benefit new players. low spending vets or cosmetic only spenders always need runes as well. I would love another way to get regular runes(non premium) besides waiting for the hand of nexon to grace us with some freebies.
  • desertoflamedesertoflame
    Vindictus Vertreter: 915
    Posts: 81
    edited February 23, 2018
    Nexon doesn't give away that many enhance runes. They give fragments...which you need 4 of for a +1 ticket
    So there needs to be another way to get them, even if it is to rely on Whales
  • EmerthystEmerthyst
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,690
    Posts: 250
    edited February 23, 2018
    they used to give full runes before they 'invented' the fragment. these past 6 months they've been extra greedy with no runes as rewards in events and only 1 frag its almost embarrassing. Depriving your player base of freebies doesn't cause them to whale out on the depot it only makes them quit. (i guess they see the seal shop unstable as good enough?)
  • NokaubureNokaubure
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,185
    Posts: 176
    It takes less time to level an entire new character from lvl 1, getting the runes and deleting it (if you already have it), rather than getting those high amount of seals just to buy 1. Also you get a few money dismantling the low level equipment while leveling. If they are new players, they can use this method to try new characters.