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Temporal Mission numbers need a sanity check
One of the monthly missions is 10,000 minutes. That's over 5.5 hours a day. This is pretty unreasonable and would require idling overnight or spending way too much time playing this game (like I do +shy). In contrast, the weekly mission is far more reasonable at 1000 minutes or under 2.5 hours a day.
And, yes, I'm aware that the 10k number is even more absurd this month because we only have a week left but I'm going to let that slide.

These missions don't link to the next bracket... daily to weekly and weekly to monthly! Is just all over the place and extremely time-consuming.
I am sitting those out and do only the daily for the Today Ticket!
And the good news is that we don't need to do the 10000 and hence miss out on a full month for trying to get the +11 rune. IE we can do the trans + raids in 1 week . Course this will mean up to 4 months to get the +11 rune if that 10000 keeps showing up.
I'd be grateful for what we got instead of already complaining that they're too hard to obtain
I do not entirely agree but don't disagree either with you lol.
Weekly Mission; Departure License, Login gift box (RNG), Seal Destiny box (RNG).
Monthly Mission; Premium Enhance Rune, Login box (RNG), Monthly Mission Ticket.
The time periods in relation to the rewards is for me pathetic. There are easier ways to obtain most of these things for a seasoned player. How this effect changes anything in the new player or rookies perspective. I am not thinking as an endgame player but as an overall or community-wide perspective. This is not time or cost effective. Yes, I agree is something else but to what end, really when is not so attractive due to reward and time to obtain it.
Means the same bad system or bad rewards due to the time allotted, so is the same.
We have all of these things already and the RNG as well as rewards! Additionally, these forums are here for this reason to give opinions and discuss how can we better up the game instead of going around with the same things only different way to get them. There are many things that can be worked on and is only reasonable to say so here.
It is my opinion and if you don't like it... well I am not sorry, I love this game I just want it to be here few more years!
Have a nice day!
You know, I've never understood the attitude that as long as something is free, it's beyond reproach. What if the target was 40,320 minutes? Would it be reasonable to complain then? It's not as though Nexon is giving you free stuff out of the goodness of their hearts. Weekly and monthly goals are there to give players mid-term goals to work towards and increase player retention. In other words, it's there because Nexon thinks it'll make them more money. While I don't hold that against them -- making money is what corporations are for -- the idea that players should be "grateful" for them acting in their own interests is laughable.
Note also that I take umbrage not simply with the difficulty of attaining the playtime target, but with the large discrepancy between the weekly and monthly targets. They set a precedent that playing <2.5 a day is sufficient for weekly rewards but more than double that when it comes to qualifying for that specific monthly reward. Other monthly rewards are far more reasonable. The 60 transformations mission requires ~2 transformations a day equating to just over 1 hour at worst; 100 raids is just over 3 raids a day which is easily under an hour.
The 10k minute mission is a massive outlier in time commitment hence why I asked for a sanity check, not a handout.
normally a company rewards its most loyal players guess not here. picking one of those per month could have been a blessing.
Knowing how rare the good stuff is in cash boxes, I can only imagine how rare even the runes in the weekly box will be, so I don't even bother with that.
nvm, weeklies include 4 missions and resets on monday.
This is another well-intended add-on but how is implemented it is just sorry.
I do prefer the items that I can choose to obtain and are not RNG oriented or based items (Dead Run, Lion Roar, Unbind Pots etc..). As @Karijuna and @Emerthyst mention on their posts; it is completely unrealistic having weekly or monthly missions for 1 single intermediate stone or a Premium Rune (or any rune). These same items or others can be on that list, as long as, these are not dependable of RNG. However, if these items will be allocated on this list, then, they need to be set up in an understandable and attainable manner.
I mean, these are only suggestions thinking from an endgame players standpoint. I just hope, that some "Sanity Check" is done with this information posted from all of us.
Edit: The Missions daily, weekly and monthly should be a win-win scenario to help mercenaries on their quests. We do have enough RNG everywhere else. So please let us have something that does not fail and is only proactive or positive to look up for.
Have a nice day!
Of all the rewards only the runes and cadet badge (maaaaaybe mega is okay, but only for the spam memes) are "good" (and even that is debatable, as they only offer some more tries at RNG, runes for npcs and cadet for drops), rest is just pretty useless to anyone that is actually playing the game.
The fact that it's "FREE" also gives the player a sense of 'oh i can get it. i MUST GET IT.' And that is wrong because it's simply not worth the effort.
And THAT is the problem. It's bad because rates for good rewards will be nearing absolute zero, and will just serve to frustrate players even more ("Oh dang, i didn't get anything from the gifts in 12 months, guess i'll comfort myself by breaking a rune in one try"... oh wait)
At least with seal shop update they tried to make some decent non-RNG rewards, not too op because only for 90 weapons, but still good (assuming you reach +10 first ofc, but that's not the point). Those are the kind of rewards that are worth working for, not the ones weekly/monthly missions give out.
It should at the bare minimum be a +x coupon (i.e. sure-shot +12) and at the very least a premium enchant rune. I understand they're free, but at that time investment I'd rather just pick up a part-time job at McDonalds and buy like 5 enchant runes a month, lol.
That's probably the idea.
What about the new players what do they get from an event that's aimed solely at high end players so stop complaining about one little item and see the bigger picture as the game is losing players hand over fist and not taking the new players into concideration when coming up with events will cost the game in the long run.
Also, the complaining about "play for x minutes" monthly/weekly doesn't really make much sense to me. Tell me another reward you can get while sleeping.