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Christmas on time Shiny Christmas Present Expired

Vindictus Vertreter: 100
Posts: 3
in General Discussion
So I am writing this treat as today 10.01.2018 after 18:00 CET. Shiny Christmas present has expired. I mean you can still collect it as it is send to your mailbox but when you take it from the mail and it's end up in your inventory it is already EXPIRED. Is that some kind of joke? no maintenance, no info about new content or any new event or anything. I mean come on is it really hard to at least remove that event and items from server if you can't even make use of it? And next thing which I want to mention is Why event items like "Christmas Pudding" and "Christmas Cake" have now time to use? Same items from previous years don't have a expired date anywhere and you can use them anytime. Why Nexon now is trying to put time limit on every single thing which is from event? you know that it's shitty idea right? Here I want to include Screenshot from expired Shiny Christmas present which I am still getting through in-game mailbox.