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Redirecting screenshots to secondary drive
For a few years I've been playing with the game installed on my primary drive ("C:\Nexon\..."), but with screenshots directed to my secondary drive ("D:\Documents\Vindictus\Screen Shot"). I recently wiped my drive and reinstalled Windows, and now screenshots are being saved directly to "C:". I understand the default save location is "C:\Users\...\Documents\Vindictus\Screen Shot", and I assume the game is saving directly to "C:" because it's unable to locate the Documents folder on my C: drive. I'd like the saved screenshots to be directed to "D:\Documents\Vindictus\Screen Shot" as they were before, but I don't remember how to set that up. I didn't find relevant options in-game or in the launcher settings.
I backed up the game files (the entire "C:\Nexon" folder) prior to wiping the drive and moved those back onto my primary drive after wiping, so it doesn't seem to be a setting in a config file or something like that. I also tried uninstalling both Nexon Launcher and the game and re-downloading/reinstalling both, so it doesn't seem like the launcher or the game is able to automatically detect the Documents folder on my secondary drive during installation. I've also tried putting a shortcut to "D:\Documents" in my personal data folder ("C:\Users\...") where the Documents folder would normally be, but that did not resolve the issue either.
How should I go about this? Should I try re-installing the game now, after having created the Documents shortcut in my personal data folder? Would it work if I uninstalled the game, reinstalled it on the secondary drive, manually moved the Nexon folder to "C:", and then repaired the installation via the launcher?
Recorded video and some log files are also being saved to "C:".
You can do it if you move the entire folder to the new drive, and you create a link to it with this command: First parameter is the link's path, the second parameter is where it should point to. Pay attention to the paths and change them to yours.
I do the same as i have an SSD for the system that i don't want to fill with junk, because SSD's become slow if they reach max. capacity.
That smiley is "D :" without space.
Since in your case it can't find the Documents folder, then create it manually, try with the same path it was previously (like if your user name was different), and then create the link inside it. Also you can check the permissions on the Documents folder. Right-click - Properties and see if it's read-only.
I did some digging in my registry editor and found that some of my user shell folders (My Documents/Music/etc) were assigned to "G:", which was the original drive letter of my secondary drive when I installed Windows. After installing Windows, I had moved some sata cables around, and the secondary drive became "D:". So the solution for me was to relocate those user shell folders to "D:".
Side notes:
- For anyone trying the symlink solution, you will need to include quotation marks around the link and target paths if they contain spaces, such as in "My Documents", in order to avoid syntax errors.
- The symlink will not be created if you create the link folder yourself beforehand (e.g., creating a Vindictus folder in "C:\Users\...\Documents" in Windows Explorer to link to "D:\Documents\Vindictus"). The mklink command will create the link folder for you.
- The forums won't make the
That would have been my second guess. Glad you solved it!
For anyone who faces the same problem:
- open the registry editor either by pressing Win + R or open the Start menu, type in Run, open it
- type regedit in the little window, click ok
- find this key/path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders , click it
You can change the folder paths there one by one if the drive letters are wrong.
I thought the [ code ] bb code won't process the smileys. I was wrong. Ty : P