[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.
EternalBlood is Recruiting! Fun/Friendly/Helpful!!
Welcome to the EternalBlood Guild!
-We are currently recruiting people interested in having a good time and building a strong sense of community with one another.
-We come from humble beginnings on Vindictus, where some of us may have met, played together, and have become friends for life. We would like to continue that tradition with players like yourself. Vindi really has been one of the most unique, incomparable, real-time fighting games on the MMORPG market.
-Ever been in a guild where people are uninterested to interact or are too busy in their own business to help out?
-EternalBlood has more of a family approach. We prioritize a sense of community and encourage all of our members to do runs together and build friendships. Guilds nowadays are too caught up in their own friend circles, reply when they want to reply, play the superiority game.
-We want NONE of that here. We want to just wake up, log in, feel welcomed into another day of fun and progression in our game, Vindictus. What's more to it than that? Convinced? 
If so, contact FeFeTomo/FeFeRyu, RevyLu, or ItamiChaos/KaterinVK in-game.
-Come HOllah at FeFeTomo/RevyLu for a Discord inv.
-P.S, if you have any questions whatsoever, shoot FeFe a PM and it will never be unattended.--
-(PM FeFe your Twitch channel if you're a streamer)
-Sometimes we play Cards Against Humanity on Disc, feel free to join!
-Here's our website if you're interested. -http://eternal-blood.shivtr.com/-
-We also have guild storage, if you're interested, please ask politely for access. More on this in the rules.
---Guild Rules---
♡Ask GL for permission to the guild storage, stealing items will result in a permanent ban.
♡Stay Respectful to every guild member.
♡Greet guildies a Welcome Back/Wb whenever one logs onto Vindictus, Not doing so people may take it as an ignoring of their presence.
♡If you have a problem with someone else, talk it out in a private message with the people involved, guild leader, and Admins. Don't attempt to resolve anything by yourself.
♡Do not ask for free items or gold, Vindictus's main goal is to work hard for your items, don't take away that satisfaction when a Vindi player reachers theirs'. We will be glad to assist you in any way.
♡Never spread false/negative rumors about the guild or anyone.
♡Buying/Selling/Exchanging Gold for NX Cash or NX Cash for gold is strictly prohibited. However, buying Cash items for yourself or for others out of generosity is fine.
♡Cursing is acceptable to the point where you're not attacking someone such as calling them names or threatening them.
♡Our Guild Channel is 10.
♡IMPORTANT♡: Try to talk with guildies regularly, not doing so really leaves the community dead silent. If you're shy, then we understand. Let's make a community exciting to be in
♡Speak up if you disagree deeply with anything, leaving it unattended might cause major conflict between guild members.
♡Look out for Raid Pings.
♡Try to stay active unless you have a solid reason to be inactive, in this case, contact the guild leader/admins via Discord beforehand.(30+ days of inactivity will cause you to be kicked if you become inactive without notifying Admins or GM beforehand, but you are free to rejoin if your reputation is clean.)
♡Ask for help if needed.
♡Feel free to recruit anyone that can follow guild rules and guidelines.
♡Try to revive every party member when you're available to, focusing on getting 1st in DPS is seflish and disrespectful to those who want to play/finally have time to play and is laying on the floor.
♡Try not to be negative to those who are helping you, we are a guild, we will try to help you in the most constructive manner possible.
♡Help fellow guildies via guild chat/discord server whenever convenient to you. We all start at some point in the game.
♡Optional If you have an Alt you want to add to the guild, Click Roster on our website, and red "+"sign next to your IGN to add.
♡Add your Character Names (IGN's) in our the #registry Text Channel.
♡Never attack someone verbally in any way, take the possible future issues and guild reputation into consideration.