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Bring back the Combo System
Hi all
*for those who don't know what this is, combo system used to be on XE. Each normal attack and smash attack granted you "combo point", when you get hit the combo points resets to zero. It also used to give a damage buff (but thats not the point of this thread). The results would display during the fight on real-time and in the overrall battle results. *
Been thinking for a long time now, don't you miss the old good combo system? And i don't mean the bonus damage, just the fact that you could evaluate your performance based on skill (works differently per char but comparing to your class and yourself) and not only by damage dealt.
Imo seeing your combo and rating gives you another "challenge" while fighting bosses. Now when i fight s3/neam, if i get hit i just.. drink a pot. And it makes this whole pve thing kinda boring when you've done echoid more than a thousand times or when he hits you for barely 500 damage with high armor.
I think for those who already reached endgame gear, finished ein and got full force already, this might be something "new" to chase after.
If any1 feels the same about this or have any info from previous posts please share

would appreciate any GM opinion about this.
Good day and hf everybody o//

XE is the way the game was supposed to be. It was an evolution of the game's initial action-focused concept. The reason why the devs absolutely will not bring it back is because they want the game to be stat-heavy so they can bleed more money from enchant/enhance items. The cash whales don't want a skill-based system because they don't want to work for their output, and the devs know this so the greed-minded DOL made RISE.
After almost an year after XE removal / EU migration (was it in February?), with few months of gameplay experience on Premiere and now Rise behind belt, I have to admit I enjoyed gameplay with combo much more. Unfortunately, currently I don't pay as much attention to my performance due to no punishment (low damage income) and no benefit (doesn't really affect my damage output, or even increase it if I can pull out a powerful smash, unless potential crosscut is missed), because it makes no significant difference. It's mostly about the benefits that could be pulled out, although the counter itself is some kind of "you are doing well" sign.
Given how overpowered ADD DMG is, I have my doubts on how combo system could work on old design. Of course it wouldn't have to be +50% either. Possibly value between +10% and +25% would be good enough, unless something else was pulled out.
Ps. I still hate double tap sprint. Why not make it optional at best?
As i mentioned in the thread i think they should bring it back even without dmg multiplying (as Rezi said, they prolly wanna keep it stat-wise and not performance)
This way its a win-win: you don't get more damage output but atleast you have somw kind of way to measure your performance.
It wouldn't measure your performance since facetanking through attacks gives you more dmg than dodging. Who cares about the dmg boss deals when you have >15k armor and you can spam hp pots -> it's no point in combo system as vindi is now.
That said I enjoyed XE version way more -> XE move, I wanted to have the most combo points in the end of the battle (played lynn so not much dmg gained from it , but still better than facetanking), jump - because walking around a town is boring, also better dodge and more responsiveness system for lynn dodges (idk about how every1 said XE not responsive when I noticed unresponsiveness only after getting PRE), better farming in XE since unlimited sprint, and yes that annoying double tap for sprint + for @SirRFI idea
As for now you right, facetanking will do more dmg.
What i meant in measuring your performance is not by your overall dmg, but to give some other perspective on your play other than the damage you deal.
Now we just have a cash power stat that makes the game even more boring than it was in Pre, and everybody's leaving.
It's truly a dull game now, came back a bit for Miri, but premiere is so boring, def stacking and additional damage wins now, kkkk
I mean, they could just add combo bonus and increase boss HP by 30%, so good players will be slightly faster, bad players slightly slower.
Was hoping some GM would see this and respond with a better comment than "we make more money this way"
And yes, NA could have done something about Rise. It refused to implement XE, so it sure as hell could have refused to implement Rise.