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**SALE** Vanity and Other Consumables

Vindictus Vertreter: 500
Posts: 17
edited Januar 14, 2018 in North American Marketplace Auctions
Welcome :)

Dyed Malignant Set (No gloves) --> 38m for all of it

**Void Reaper (No gloves) --> Hood only 50m or all of it 70m

Moneymaker Set (No Sunglasses) --> all of it 35m (plus I'll throw in a pair of small eyeglasses) || otherwise 20m for Jacket 20m for pants and 5m for shoes

***Devil Horn Headband --> Offer
***Shining Halo (Gold) --> Offer
***Golden Panda Head --> Offer
***Golden Panda Body --> Offer
***Pumpkin Hats (Chuckling and Happy) --> Offer
Gnoll Chieftain Hood (red and black) --> 10m/ea
Toy Weapons(Swords, Spears, Bow, Shield, Giant Shield, Hammer, Long Sword, Battle Scythe, Staff, Pillar, and Cestus are still available) --> Prices Range from 3m to 12m
Arabian Vests (tan and green) --> 400k/ea
Platinum Tiara (female only) --> 2m
Karok and Evie Football Uniforms --> 400k/ea
Rabbit Mask --> 3m
Quality Bunny Hat --> 5m
Quality Bunny Suit --> Offer

Mysterious Black Sprout --> 5m
Headcrab --> 8m
**Combine Helmet --> 8m
Mummy Shroud -- > 5m
Succubus Skirt --> 15m
Succubus Long Boots --> 12m
Succubus Gauntlets --> 10m

American Flag Hats (not bandana) --> 5m/ea
Santa Pants (blue and red) (I've noticed the blue ones on a female character look like daisy dukes) --> 4m
Straw Hat --> Offer
Chic Eye Patch --> 4m
Twin Crowbars (swords) --> Good Offers
Crowbar Staff --> Good Offers

Items marked with ** only need to be unbound (2 unbinds left)
Items marked with *** need to be fused and unbound (you will need to provide the item to fuse)

Kayna's Unbind Potion Box (includes 7 unbind pots) --> 32m/ea
Gold Bones --> Offer
Sweet Chocolate (hearts come flying out of your character, can be used infinitely before departing the mission, and effect lasts for almost 15 seconds) --> 500k
Gif demonstration:

I use the term offer because I don't have anything to base the price against, so if you know how much something went for in the recent past feel free to p/c me.

My IGN is TheMerchant but please only post here (with your IGN) as I'm rarely logged in because of work.
