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Do U wAnT tO tRy CoMpOsiTing

Vindictus Vertreter: 1,550
Posts: 103
in Suggestions and Feedback
Remove the requirement to have to do the Regina story to be able to make level 90+ gear, or even to replace/switch out shards. That was really a dumb idea, like most things this director thinks of, that really makes it such a huge inconvenience to do simple tasks; especially since you didn't have to do it in the past as well as already doing most of the s3 raids & already having mats or even already having crafted weapons. It's even more of an inconvenience and waste of time when you've played through the story multiple times on different characters. It's very annoying to have already gained the mats you needed, buying them off the MP *which is BROKEN btw*, only to get a prompt saying "Oh, you need to fight annoying Regina to be able to craft level 90+ stuff"- when the irony is I already fought her non-story counterpart to get the receipt and crafted a +11 fully orange Regina Twin Swords, Chains, Spellswords, Spears, Bastard Swords, you name it..

So either remove that requirement all together, or just have it set to where you can skip it if you already have a character(s) on the same account that has played through it. That pointless addition puts more strain on a dying game that's already convoluted with so many tedious elements in the first place.