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Sword Lann Awakening Skills
I was just wondering what awakening stones you guys used on which skills/what is most efficient. Preferably for sword lann but I like and will take info for both

Currently I only have B rank on Slashing High for SP reduction B rank on Quick Fury Infusion SP reduction (yolod and it worked) and B rank Stamina saver on double crescent.
I left quick infury, slashing high, berserker spirit, and thousand needles emtpy. I think these, in my opinion, doesnt matter much of less cost of SP. I can change double crescent on efficient stamina and a few for efficient stamina for sword play but i like the damage output very well.
Thank you very much for your input ^_^
DC is used after dodge, which you should be proc'ing WR off of anyways, so I'd say stamina reduction is a bit redundant there. I damage boosted furies, fanning, DC, and used SP reduction for SH. (Depends on artifact, if you're using a cat statue you'll probably have enough SP). You can then boost pummel storm and 3rd smash as well if you want to go full out.
I'd say those are the essential ones; I don't use F7 much unless it's to cancel/flinch the boss, or I have an excess amount of SP and can build it up before SH is off cooldown again, and meteor dash is just a holding skill so it'd be one of the last things I awaken.