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Best build for Att Spd chars

Member StormCrusher
Vindictus Rep: 1,175
Posts: 68
edited October 2, 2017 in General Discussion
Since dulla gear came out i'v been wondering what build should i go for. I have a Cestus karok, which mainly needs attack speed.
I'v been thinking if i should go for lvl90 +15 wep & Dulla gear.
This might relate to any AttSpd char and not just karok (thats why its not on karok section).

These are the pros and cons i thought of when using +15 lvl90 wep & dulla gear, would love to hear your opinions and tips.

- I got a better chance getting a +15 lvl90 wep then +15 dulla wep (cuz i can try yoloing since lvl90 cores are cheap).
- Lvl90 +15 wep has more ATTSPD than +12/13 Dulla wep (im being realistic about my chances)
- lvl90 wep combined with dulla gear&rings will give me more bal, allowing me to use another Fast ES.
- Gold friendly..
- Att with +15 lvl90 wep kinda hits the att cap anyways. +12 dulla wep has about the same att.

- Cant use chaotic ES (idc about that, Right ES has more attspd)
- Max att cap lvl90:1500 vs lvl95:3500 (if im not mistaken)
- ALOT less CRIT - something to consider, tho crit cap is about 150 anyway until atleast next redeemer (correct me if im wrong).
- I might get screwed over things idk about/new content that wasnt released yet (like lowering max att cap for lvl90 weps for example)
- I might get a dulla wep +13 and above (yeah right) and then its much better.

Im open for any other suggestions and thoughts ^^


  • Member Effect
    Vindictus Rep: 1,040
    Posts: 98
    Unless your class has people selling +15's, it's going to prove quite difficult for you to obtain one now after the RISE update. With that being said, a +13 Dulla weapon doesn't even compare to a +15 lvl 90 weapon. You're able to stack 22 more crit with a Dulla weapon (including Chaotic ES) than a lvl 90, but the additional damage you'd lose isn't nearly worth it. Additional damage is a powerhouse now and it's the most important stat for stacking damage. Even a +14 lvl 90 is better than a +13 Dulla weapon.

    Until Dullahan's weapon essence plummets in price and makes it more affordable to yolo weapons, your best bet is going to be yoloing a bunch of +12 lvl 90's to try and hit +15 when the stone comes out into the seal shop.
  • Member MisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Rep: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    farm guaranteed +11 stones from event

    hoard seals and wait for +12 rune to come in seal shop (120 seal each)

    mass enhance +12s and see what you can get

  • Member Hakuboi
    Vindictus Rep: 1,170
    Posts: 35
    edited October 2, 2017
    I use a full 90 set atm. +15 90 weap.
    I hit 136 crit, 90 spd, 90 bal
    If I would bother changing to a white kitty brooch and reinfuse my weapon it would be 137 crit 91 spd 90 bal
    I miss an infusion on my kitty necklace

    Doing pretty fine tbh, I hit atk cap easily. Just crit less on dulla, but whateva. I made this built for spd and less focussed on dps.

    I am a Delia btw

    I am waiting for einrach to see how much bal we will get from it. Might consider replacing a dead with fast on my ring and change to full dulla gear for extra bal.
  • Member Abaddan
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 195
    My current build runs with 133 crit 90 bal 95 atk spd. After the rest of my neamhains done, i'll be at 137 crit, 90 bal, 95 atk spd.
  • Member Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
    farm guaranteed +11 stones from event

    hoard seals and wait for +12 rune to come in seal shop (120 seal each)

    mass enhance +12s and see what you can get

    BTW not hateing on you, just saying +12 100% stones are 150 seals not 120 and I have a picture of the kr seal shop to prove. I just don't want the wrong information going around
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited October 2, 2017

    mass enhance +12s and see what you can get

    = one +13 if you are lucky (stupid 20% chance.. or 22% chance with burning 90 more seals). (After running how raids/abys to get enough seals for those +12 runes.) Frankly the +11/+12 runes are a joke now considering how much more OP +13/14/15... manage to be, and how tough they are to get to.)

  • Member Innoy
    Vindictus Rep: 810
    Posts: 61
    Yeah idk why, with how pre-rise enhancement was, that they didn't make +15 more standard and then work from there. As it is now you just burn your resources and boom a +13 or something and kind of just put your hands up, as there really isnt a path to +15 in the foreseeable future.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    150 seals with the change to where you can gain seals is going to be a ridiculous burden. I can't even imagine planning to do that. I'll just continue living that YOLO life and keep my sanity.
  • Member MisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Rep: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    ^ so harder-to-earn seals will finally give worthwhile rewards now? That almost sounds too good to be true for me
  • Member StormCrusher
    Vindictus Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 68
    edited October 3, 2017
    Arrow95 wrote: »
    farm guaranteed +11 stones from event

    hoard seals and wait for +12 rune to come in seal shop (120 seal each)

    mass enhance +12s and see what you can get

    BTW not hateing on you, just saying +12 100% stones are 150 seals not 120 and I have a picture of the kr seal shop to prove. I just don't want the wrong information going around

    I heard rumors that we're not gonna get those runes on seals shop but on NX shop only.. Idk if its true tho i wont be surprised