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Use Active Skill 20 times


  • LoLoBootyLoLoBooty
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,275
    Posts: 665
    edited Oktober 6, 2017
    Going to post this relevant link here just in case anyone missed it:

    I will update it again this weekend with more info about SP building since people are struggling with the active skills so much.
    I have a lann, karok, and sylas that are absolutely terrible at this daily task. They STRUGGLE to complete it in a short time because their skills have such long cool downs or lack of SP skills in general!! Evies, Kai's, Fionas, etc have it easy on this one - total bullshit.


    I have multiple characters so I feel your pain. Don't be shy to use the SP pots received to help with the goal. I always use them for Karok & Sylas. Remember you build SP fastest by repeatedly doing LRLR. Go in shakarr and build your sp to max then use Karok's hurricane (but don't chain the attack it doesn't count).

    The trans skills: conviction/fissure require 0 SP but count as an active skill.
  • DragonRiderDragonRider
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    LoLoBooty wrote: »
    Going to post this relevant link here just in case anyone missed it:

    I will update it again this weekend with more info about SP building since people are struggling with the active skills so much.
    I have a lann, karok, and sylas that are absolutely terrible at this daily task. They STRUGGLE to complete it in a short time because their skills have such long cool downs or lack of SP skills in general!! Evies, Kai's, Fionas, etc have it easy on this one - total bullshit.


    I have multiple characters so I feel your pain. Don't be shy to use the SP pots received to help with the goal. I always use them for Karok & Sylas. Remember you build SP fastest by repeatedly doing LRLR. Go in shakarr and build your sp to max then use hurricance (but don't chain the attack it doesn't count).

    My issue is not with SP buildling techniques, i dont struggle with that. My issue is with the cooldown of certain characters SP skills, but ok I will give the SP pots a go.
  • LoLoBootyLoLoBooty
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,275
    Posts: 665
    edited Oktober 6, 2017
    My issue is not with SP buildling techniques, i dont struggle with that. My issue is with the cooldown of certain characters SP skills, but ok I will give the SP pots a go.

    I don't play Lann but my understanding is that Lann and Sylas are the worst in that regards. Lann twin spears being the most infuriating. Make sure your using twin swords xD. Now for sylas cooldowns are definately a pain in the buttoxals.

    Try this in Shakar:
    LRLRLRLR until you have full SP bar then:
    Soul Drain * Spectral Sting * Phantasmic Slash * Impulse Zone * Illusion Shield
    LRLRLRLR until you have full SP bar then:
    * Trans Skill: Spear * Trans Skill: Conviction/Fissure * Trans Skill: Dark Cloud * Soul Drain * Spectral Sting

    You may want to equip a weaker weapon so that you don't kill shakarr too fast. Do not aim the trans skills at Shakarr. Shoot them off into the distance.
  • DragonRiderDragonRider
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    LoLoBooty wrote: »
    My issue is not with SP buildling techniques, i dont struggle with that. My issue is with the cooldown of certain characters SP skills, but ok I will give the SP pots a go.

    I don't play Lann but my understanding is that Lann and Sylas are the worst in that regards. Lann twin spears being the most infuriating. Make sure your using twin swords xD. Now for sylas cooldowns are definately a pain in the buttoxals.

    Try this in Shakar:
    LRLRLRLR until you have full SP bar then:
    Soul Drain * Spectral Sting * Phantasmic Slash * Impulse Zone * Illusion Shield
    LRLRLRLR until you have full SP bar then:
    * Trans Skill: Spear * Trans Skill: Conviction/Fissure * Trans Skill: Dark Cloud * Soul Drain * Spectral Sting

    You may want to equip a weaker weapon so that you don't kill shakarr too fast. Do not aim the trans skills at Shakarr. Shoot them off into the distance.

    Thanks for the advice on Sylas, since he is my level 75 jump char i dont know much about him. Yes, i already had figured out before hand not to wipe out enemies with my trans skills when they could help build my SP meter to kill them with LRLRLR. I will switch to twin swords on my Lann and see how that goes. I was also doing barbarian shout on my pillar karok, but i will switch to cestus and do the hurricane SP and see how fast that will go. I have been doing hidden runs to knock off the 5 battles req + any other req, but i think Shakkar is probably better idea since he'd last longer than the laghodessa boss. Also yes, i had been using a weaker weapon so that i dont kill the bosses faster. But again, thanks for the advice on Sylas techs, SP pots, and Shakarr boss.
  • ReziRezi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    I'm kind of wondering how little someone has to play the game to complain about how long it takes them to do a daily.
  • KMonkKMonk
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,495
    Posts: 144
    I don't know about you, but someone with 11 different characters probably has to spend about 5-6 hours everyday just to do daily. I have managed to clear this for the last 3 days by spending about 3 SP pots a day per char on Sylas, Karok, and Lann (or thing will go overtime). If they decided to do this every day till the end of the event, well, let's just say I don't know what I would do if my SP pots runs out on these chars.
  • ikeviikevi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited Oktober 6, 2017
    KMonk wrote: »
    I don't know about you, but someone with 11 different characters probably has to spend about 5-6 hours everyday just to do daily. I have managed to clear this for the last 3 days by spending about 3 SP pots a day per char on Sylas, Karok, and Lann (or thing will go overtime). If they decided to do this every day till the end of the event, well, let's just say I don't know what I would do if my SP pots runs out on these chars.

    On Sylas you can just solo 1 (with trans) or two Krakens (no trans) and easily hit the 20x required. (Just attack the head, use the free lv 80 gear.) Karok will take 4-5 Krakens (might as well run a hero lion if you can), while sadly Lann would take ~10 due to sp countdowns. (Not using trans for counts on Karok/Lann.)

    Don't get me wrong, this one stinks. But that said +11 enhancement stone that we soon will be able to buy with seals and that only work on lv 90 weapons just aren't worth the pain to farm. (Not to mention they expire Dec 31st.)

    And just remember the odds are such that you need ~360 +11 weapons to manage a 50% chance of getting a +15. [Math is just saying (odds of not getting +11->+15)^# of times attempted =50% = (1-.4*.2*.16*.16)^x => solve for x ;-)
  • DragonRiderDragonRider
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    Rezi wrote: »
    I'm kind of wondering how little someone has to play the game to complain about how long it takes them to do a daily.

    it takes me a little more than 2 hours to get through my 10 characters for the daily missions (if they are a pain in the ass like 20 active skill mission or having to complete 5 battles). 4 of them are serious characters, 6 of them are just low level fluff alts. of those it takes a lot more time on my 2 karoks, 2 lanns, and 1 sylas .. the rest i have 2 evies, 1 kai, 1 fiona, 1 hurk.
  • ReziRezi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    I'm intrigued as to why you have so many characters.
  • DragonRiderDragonRider
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    edited Oktober 7, 2017
    Rezi wrote: »
    I'm intrigued as to why you have so many characters.

    i've been here since 2011, so during that progression, nexon kept giving us a couple free extra character slots over time. I've only bought 1 slot for myself which I see has a premium status on it, and i probably bought it when they were on 50% off sale. Also back then, before they had guild or shared storage , it was a way for me to store things with extra available inventory space on alt chars on the same account. Lastly, there were events that gave out free items (e.g. enhancement runes) per char, so that's another perk, getting more items because you have more chars.
  • CometCupidCometCupid
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,990
    Posts: 166
    We've got 12 characters, so it's really not that surprising to find somebody with one of each.

    I think it's more pertinent to ask why have several of the same character?
  • ReziRezi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    I didn't ask how, I asked why...

    In any case, shouldn't you only be focusing on a few characters at one time? Why would you do dailies for 6+? That's what gets me.
  • DragonRiderDragonRider
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    Rezi wrote: »
    I didn't ask how, I asked why...

    In any case, shouldn't you only be focusing on a few characters at one time? Why would you do dailies for 6+? That's what gets me.

    because there's an event going on where you can get a +11 rune (100%) for level 90 gear if you get 24 daily tokens (1 per day per character) = 10 of those runes for me on my account.
  • AeledingAeleding
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,255
    Posts: 77
    Personnally i don't give much attention to the +11 rune, i'm more interested in getting the regular runes since you never have enough of them...
    So yeah doing dailies on multiple alts just for the regular runes is worth it, considering the price in NX of each rune... Sure you could spend the money to get it but not everyone is wealthy enough to be able to do it...
  • ikeviikevi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited Oktober 7, 2017
    Aeleding wrote: »
    Personnally i don't give much attention to the +11 rune, i'm more interested in getting the regular runes since you never have enough of them...
    So yeah doing dailies on multiple alts just for the regular runes is worth it, considering the price in NX of each rune... Sure you could spend the money to get it but not everyone is wealthy enough to be able to do it...

    Course you can just buy runes that behave the same with seals now... (Doing daily is still easier, though running aby arena isn't hard, just boring.)
  • SirRFISirRFI
    Vindictus Vertreter: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    Scythe and Lynn are easy to do - Scythe debuffs apparently counts towards the objective, and Lynnh has plenty SP with low cooldown and cost. Lann on other hand...
  • TwilightSparkleTwilightSparkle
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,440
    Posts: 224
    Can you stop giving this to us? it's getting annoying when its been this 3 times in a row along with 10 actives
  • PlaksterPlakster
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,705
    Posts: 119
    Can you stop giving this to us? it's getting annoying when its been this 3 times in a row along with 10 actives

    yeah for real :P 3 20's 1 10 next day a little break for a nother 20 the day after rip
  • RealReal
    Vindictus Vertreter: 825
    Posts: 18
    Just spend whatever trans points you have on the SP gain, then do Shakarr.
    LRLRLR until 250 then do lowest SP skills + no SP trans skills. Took me two runs with both Lann and Sylas w/ 90 freebies and no SP pots.