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why did they lower gold on all dungs?

Vindictus Vertreter: 720
Posts: 60
edited September 28, 2017 in General Discussion
Now you get less gold on all dugns. On Neam now you get 240k, before 300k. A moment's notice now you get 83k with bonus mission, before 104k. On dullahan now you get 149k, before 189k. Why did they lower it?


  • ikeviikevi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    So you could have something to QQ about ;-) I assume they are just looking at the gold level and making adjustments when they see gold level is increasing faster than it is being burned via gold sinks. That said I make a ton more just running the quick 5x S2 (usually just Kraken/Lako/Cromm) than any S3 raid.
  • ZeroheartZeroheart
    Vindictus Vertreter: 7,740
    Posts: 725
    To help the Gold bots, instead of having them farm everywhere, Nexon made them focus end game so new players will not see them.