I have made a Bug report in which I spent a lot of tim
and I got some great ideas for Season 1 Maps while posting that, because I compared the Dungeons of S1 with those of S2 and S3.
I know I just simply copy & pasted that, but I a Mod told me to LOL.
I would love it if Nexon could rework the Season 1 Maps (Hoarfrost, Anile, Sewer, Ortel...) that they look like the Season 2 or Season 3 Maps (Like you did with S1 Ep1) and rework some Bosses because the first half of the game feels like repetition of the same Map 5x because the Bosses dosen't have anything special (just dummies who smash randomly and you maybe take damage if you can just
guess when you take a damage tick, which is pretty annoying sometimes if you dont play vindictus 24/7.
I think its more worth than adding new Content to the End-Game because more new Players can join and enjoy faster updated Content.
For example are all maps on Anile equal (feels like) because there is the Red Bearer who has some Fire projectile like the mini Vampires or The Reaper has his lance and stabs, like the small vampires... And in the Blood Prince mission you have to fight all of them again as mini bosses which feels lame.
Same for the Hilder Forest Ruins ...
I mean in the newer Maps you have the same, but these bosses have more game changing abilities if you don't dodge them with skill and there are real Bosses, not this Baby Mini Bosses who just come every 5th enemy wave.
Because it just fits to the gliches I posted in the Bug report and there are unused soundfiles, I make an example for the Secret Naughty Chamber
Sound files
- Add some new interactions/Attacks with maybe a bit more speed for her because these are super easy to dodge, since she charges like 3 sec and hits you for 0.5 sec
(Succubus 3x dash was removed, just noticed but dont know why, since she is weak anyway LOL)
- Maybe add some things you can activate with the mouse cursor by clicking them (Like dropping chandeliers by clicking on them) -> because it fits better to such a mini dungeon
- Be able to defend yourself against her mount by clicking or swiping over specific random generated pixels while she's mounting you -> like the game Osu! maybe) -> right now you just get randomly hit by her charm and you cant do anything after that except watching you getting raped.
- Maybe add Auto Break Off's and different stages to her like if she loses her first HP bar she will lose her Hat and get stronger attacks (like Succubus Queen just more Mini-Stages).
- Or add other ways like if you guard yourself successfully against her mount or drop a chandelier on her -> should be forced like she could start flying in the air after she loses her jacket, when you see her Wings for the first time, and fire Projectiles at you (-> to remove her Projectile spam when she is in that normal form which is SUPER annoying if shes behind that red barrier)
You can Break her off with Spears/Fine spears/Sticky Bombs/Smashes right now but none does that because it's random and hard (you can only take 7 Spears or 4 Sticky Bombs with you) and there are no rewards for it -> with that last suggestion it would make sense that there are Break offs.
This also can be used for other Bosses like the Sturdy Emuloch who gets mad if you break his armor.
-> this also makes it easier to obtain Titles for other players (Titles like Break off Sturdy Emuloch's Spiked Shield 3x [would be equal to] = Defeat Sturdy Emuloch 3 times (and maybe add some time to that like the old Oath of Honor System)
I hope that the gliches I've found show how much work could be spend in Reworking or Updating older Maps/Dungeons.
Damage Reduction for higher Levels
Maybe there can be added a Damage reduction for higher Levels, so they can't rush them that quickly and still need to use their skills and the old Dungeons are not just for the lower Levels! -> you won't rush "Todays Battle" anymore.
If this will be added, the rework would be for everyone and new Players will be integrated to the Community faster.
To balance that you can adjust the rewards like for every 3k Damage you lose you will get a Bonus Drop or AP or something -> so it fits with the time you spent again.
Just an idea, maybe needs some adjustment
If the Character has more than double ammount of the minimum damage ->
Damage dealt will be (
Minimum Damage required +
Current Damage) /
10 * (Current Level / 20)
For a Map with 6,5k
minimum Damage it would be like this
For example Level 95 with 25k dmg
(6500 + 25000) / 10 * (95 / 20) = 14,9k Dmg
Level 80 with 15k Damage
(6500 + 15000) /10 * (80 / 20) = 8,6k Dmg
Level 45 with 13k Damage
(6500 + 13000) /10 * (45 / 20) =4,3k -> to low, increase multiplier (Level / 20) to 4 -> 7,8k
I hope that this Suggestion will reach the Dev's because I spent multiple days on this and I don't want to look at this game dying, because it can be so mich fun!
Add your Ideas if you got some and maybe make a better calculation haha