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Nighthawk Pants Quest Reward

Vindictus Vertreter: 2,585
Posts: 436
edited September 6, 2017 in Bug Reporting
It doesn't exist. The final chapters of S1 are now supposed to give the full set, but pants is never given. The weapon, tunic, boots, gloves, and helm are, but not the pants.


  • xAvonxAvon
    Vindictus Vertreter: 490
    Posts: 15
    U can see people selling the Pants on Market for 500k ~ 1Mil from time to time. But mostly when i look its only 1 offer in market.
  • ReziRezi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    I understand that, and that's the problem - there's only 1 or 2 on there, and the price is way high compared to the rest of the set because it's exploited...because it's not given as a quest reward. This would be fine if the set items given from a related quest was random, since then all items in the set would be constantly traded for cheap, but unfortunately the devs put each set item as a specific quest reward and left out the pants; this is likely not intended, which is why I'm labeling it a bug.
  • xAvonxAvon
    Vindictus Vertreter: 490
    Posts: 15
    edited September 6, 2017
    Rezi wrote: »
    I understand that, and that's the problem - there's only 1 or 2 on there, and the price is way high compared to the rest of the set because it's exploited...because it's not given as a quest reward. This would be fine if the set items given from a related quest was random, since then all items in the set would be constantly traded for cheap, but unfortunately the devs put each set item as a specific quest reward and left out the pants; this is likely not intended, which is why I'm labeling it a bug.

    My Friend dropped today +3 Nighthawk Pants on the Earthshake Zaka Quest funny enough. And i buyed it right before that quest for 300k on the market xD