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WTB & WTS List

Vindictus Rep: 300
Posts: 2
edited September 9, 2017 in Europe Marketplace Auctions
Personal list of what I'm currently looking for or want to get rid of.

Leave a reply or just /w Aiexandria with a lower-case i in game.

-Scrolled +12/13 Dulla gear
-The Dead (suffix isn't important) Frozen Thorn (no infusion of value)
-Subdued (suffix isn't important) Woeful Belt (no infusion of value)
-[Black Phoenix Wings]

WTS (non-tradables sold via fusion):
-[Airtight Hellfairy Jessie]
-[Airtight Hellfairy Debbie]
-[Swirly Glasses (Event)]
-[Halloween Mini Reaper]
-[Reilly Toy Twin Swords]
-[Reilly Toy Twin Chainblades]
-[Bunny Ear Headband (Event)]
