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Hurk error at the Docks keeps crashing game

Vindictus Vertreter: 425
Posts: 25
edited August 30, 2017 in Bug Reporting
I keep getting this error on my screen today. I've played him totally fine yesterday and then got back on today after maintenance, this error screen pops up on my screen and crashes my game. The first time it happened before I got to the map at the docks right when I logged on for the first time. I tried logging on again to see if it was just a glitch and it let me play thru a dungeon but when I landed back at the docks it error and crashed again.


  • SpareohSpareoh
    Vindictus Vertreter: 425
    Posts: 25
    Is no one else having this error? ;-; I've been trying to play and it doesn't happen every time anymore but it's still happening all the time...
  • xAvonxAvon
    Vindictus Vertreter: 490
    Posts: 15
    edited September 3, 2017
    The error saying basicly that it fails to load a texture file for the Hurk inner armor swimsuit from 2014. So either i would try to repair ur game or redownload it or try changing channels for now since it seems that it happens when it trys to load that texture from another player and fails for corruption or missing file. From ur description above it seems like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Best Regards
  • SpareohSpareoh
    Vindictus Vertreter: 425
    Posts: 25
    You're both right and wrong :( I went thru the hurk inner armors and you're right, if I click his rashguard one in the store the error immediately comes up and crashes the game. So I tried redownloading it but it still just crashed on me. I guess it's just something I'll have to sigh and restart the game over and get used to it but thanks for taking the time to try and help ^^