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Feedback for Christmas Update

Member Kirua
Vindictus Rep: 1,330
Posts: 40
edited November 30, 2016 in Suggestions and Feedback
Soo...I was thinking that might be nice if we players would suggest you what we would like to get in future update. Why not sharing a feedback for an upcoming update trying maybe to give you (NA/EU teams) ideas on what to do. So, let's start.

image 1. Events
• Dye Event - Would be nice to get some old dye event like the strange traveler's pictures collection.
• Returning Event - We're missing it since a lot! It's always cool to get some free avatar and maybe who knows, inner armor?
• Christmas-related events - Here's some really old event that surely players would like to get back:
- Don't Let the Glitches Steal Christmas!
Description: The kobolds in Hoarfrost Hollow hate the holidays, they hate the whole season and, while nobody truly knows the reason, some suspect that it’s because their hearts are two sizes too small. In fact, these creatures are so jealous of everybody’s holiday cheer that a glitch has turned their skin green! Eliminate these holiday-hating Glitches! Defeat enough and collect 4 puzzle pieces to earn your own set of reindeer antlers and a shiny red nose that (you could even say) glows!
- Free Snowballs Daily!
Description: Get 11 FREE snowballs from the Supply Depot every day from December 15 through January 4, or purchase them in bulk at the Supply Depot. Snowballs can be used as secondary weapons to pummel and sometimes even freeze your foes, or you can have a good-old-fashioned snowball fight with your allies on the boats!

image 2. Sales
• Outfit Resale - Bring us again our beloved outfits please! Here's some example:
Qi Pao (for all classes?) - Frozen Princess - Christmas Elf - Bolero and more...
• Inner Armours - We just had the black friday box sale including the iset outfit so why not bringing its Inner back? Or also the Fantasy inner and the Snowflake inner

image 3. Contents
Habitant - A new boss is awaiting to be released, is there a chance to get it this Christmas?
New Town - Malina is outdated already...give us the new town where we can finally enjoy perma no-light!
Quick Battle System - This system is really needed for us players. It allows to join battles from everywhere removing the need of camping in front of the battle map.

*Typo on the poll: "Yes I totally agree."
  1. Do you share this feedback?11 votes
    1. Yes, I'm totally agree.
       91% (10 votes)
    2. No, I don't like it.
       9% (1 vote)
    3. There should be more. (add feedbacks in a comment below this post)
       0% (0 votes)
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