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Which better? Level 90 or Level 95 weapon?

Vindictus Vertreter: 890
Posts: 58
in General Discussion
Can anyone tell me how much stat gives a fully maxed 90 and 95 weapon to compare?


  • HairDryerHairDryer
    Vindictus Vertreter: 770
    Posts: 33
    Dullahan has around 1.7k more attk, 17? (might be like 12 or 15) more Crit and -7 (that's 7 less) Bal when maxed stats vs a lv 90 with max stats. if you can make up for the Bal then a 95 weapon would be "superior", if not then don't bother. A +12 or 13 90 can easily be enough until we get something like lv 100+ weapons anyways. The problem with swapping weapons is that Crit and Bal are pretty much worthless stats compared to the value of Additional Damage (which becomes vastly higher at +11 and beyond for weapons) a comparison I can give you is having my Fiona wear her own gear(enchanted but not enhanced) with the +10 freebie sword (She only has like 780 add dmg with that, but has 90 bal+110 Crit) vs wearing the full +10 freebie (which is 1300 add dmg, 78 Bal and 102 crit) Amaranth kick deals roughly 70% more damage to a boss such as Lakoria despite the lowered stats.

    TL:DR Add Dmg is better then any stat right now, so going for +12 gear is more viable then hitting attk, crit or bal caps.
  • KourinKourin
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,375
    Posts: 127
    ^ it's 15 crit.

    But yeah, unless you're overcapped on Bal or something it's generally better to keep a higher enhanced 90.
  • misakamisakamisakamisaka
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,685
    Posts: 105
    When fully maxed, Dullahan has 3k more atk, 15 more crit, 7 less balance.
  • Order5Order5
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    Level 95 can use rank 6 enchant scrolls whereas level 90 cannot.
  • EnigmaTaroEnigmaTaro
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,815
    Posts: 441
    if you weren't fortunate enough to get yourself +14/15 lv90 before rise update, might as well go for lv95.