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Goddess Fragment Event is actually decent

Member Ravelations
Vindictus Rep: 1,255
Posts: 135
in General Discussion
Goddess Fragment Events

1 hour ago

There's a lot in the Dullahan at 95 update, with a new level cap, new zone, new boss, new gear and more, but we're hardly done. There's five new events to tide you over for the next month! Claim outfits, battle through Donegal, race your way to level 95 and more!
Goddess Fragment Event

The power of the Goddess Morrighan can be found in all manner of objects, and a special statue of the Goddess has a power that's ready to grow, it just needs a little more power. Claim Stattuete shards by completing Daily Missions and restore the artifact, with a pile of potions, Goddess Graces and even a unique Tattoo and Outfit as a reward!

Event Name Goddess Fragment Event
Event Start Wednesday, July 26th (End of Maintenance)
Event End Wednesday, August 30th (Start of Maintenance)
Event Details

When you login, you will have a statue of the Goddess, weak in power but awaiting the boost it needs
When you complete Daily Missions, you'll receive two White Statuette and Black Statuette Shards (4 total)
You'll also receive 2x White Statuette and 2x Black Statuette shards in the mail each day
Use the Shards on the Goddess Statue, helping it grow in power, using the Statuette Shard that matches its current state
Complete the gauge to level up the Statue and receive rewards, sent via in-game mail!

Event Rewards

Lv. 1 Reward: 10x Goddess Graces
Lv. 2 Reward: 10x Goddess Graces (Party)
Lv. 3 Reward: 10x Divine Blessing Stones
Lv. 4 Reward: Unstable Enhancement Rune
Lv. 5 Reward: 10x Goddess Battle Blessing Potions, granting +1 Balance, +1 Critical and +1 ATT SPD for 30 minutes
Lv. 6 Reward: 10x Goddess Graces
Lv. 7 Reward: 10x Goddess Graces (Party)
Lv. 8 Reward: 10x Divine Blessing Stones
Lv. 9 Reward: 5x Paradise Enhancement Stones
Lv. 10 Reward: 10x Goddess Battle Blessing Potions, granting +1 Balance, +1 Critical and +1 ATT SPD for 30 minutes
Lv. 11 Reward: 30 Day Custom Title Coupon
Lv. 12 Reward: 90 Day Goddess Wings Effect, giving your character glowing wings
Lv. 13 Reward: Permanent Goddess Tattoo Coupon
Lv. 14 Reward: Goddess Fragment Ticket, which can be exchanged for one of the following outfits:
Noblewoman Outfit (Female Only)
Nobleman Outfit (Male Only)
Spring Fairy Outfit (Female Only)
Giant Mask Outfit (Karok Only)


Rewards expire 7 days after acquisition if left in the mail

Donegal's Traveler Event

The Dullahan at 95 update contains a brand new area to battle in, along with the new raid, along with 5 new levels to scale up. Spend your time in Donegal and gain special Blessings that can either give you a half-hour long power boost, or be exchanged for a selection of items!

Event Name Donegal's Traveler Event
Event Start Wednesday, July 26th (End of Maintenance)
Event End Wednesday, August 30th (Start of Maintenance)
Event Details

Defeat Bosses in the Donegal region to claim Donegal Travel Blessings
Blessings can be consumed, granting +500 ATT/M.ATT and +300 DEF for 30 minutes
Blessings can be taken to the Exchange Shop for a selection of rewards
Consumed Blessings cannot be Exchanged, and Exchanged Blessings cannot be Consumed

Event Rewards

50x Blessings: Emblem: Dullahan Celebration
30x Blessings: 10x Triumph Medals
30x Blessings: 10x Festival Trophies
10x Blessings: Departure License
5x Blessings: 5x Merc Recovery Potions


Blessings will expire with the event's completion

Summer Weekends Event

Summer is here, and we're giving away special rewards for the next eight weekends! Claim Runes, a Quality +1 Coupon, special spectacles and more!
Event Name Summer Weekends Event
Event Start Saturday, July 29th
Event End Sunday, September 17th
Event Details

Login to Vindicus on Saturday and Sunday, Pacific Time, for special prizes every weekend!
Event Periods for the noted days
Pacific: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM PDT
Eastern: 3:00 AM - 3:59 AM EDT (the following day)
Europe: 9:00 AM - 8:59 AM CEST (the following day)
Australia: 5:00 PM - 4:59 PM AEST (the following day)

Saturday, July 29th: 7 Day Resenlian's Wings
Sunday, July 30th: 7 Day VVIP Service
Saturday, August 5th: AP 1000 Capsule
Sunday, August 6th: 10x Seals of Bravery
Saturday, August 12th: Videk's Spirit Box, containing one of the following items:
Special Critical Element Stone
Special ATT SPD Element Stone
Special Balance Element Stone
Special ATT or M.ATT Element Stone
Sunday, August 13th: Free Restoration Coupon
Saturday, August 19th: Enchant Rune
Sunday, August 20th: Premium Armor Enhancement Rune
Saturday, August 26th: Quality +1 Coupon
Sunday, August 27th: Enchant Scroll Box, containing a random Rank 6-8 Enchant Scroll
Saturday, September 2nd: Regina Fairy Faire (not including Regina Fairy Faire Coupon)
Sunday, September 3rd: Destruction Safeguard Rune
Saturday, September 9th: 7 Day Additional Departure Boost
Sunday, September 10th: 1x Spectacles Head Gear Item
Saturday, September 16th: Reilly's Face Oil
Sunday, September 17th: Reilly's Body Oil

Race to 95 Event

Think you can make it to Level 95 faster than anyone? There's a pair of new titles on the line, one for anyone that manages to hit Level 95 before August 30th, and another to see which players can hit the newest level cap fastest on each class!
Event Name Race to 95 Event
Event Start Wednesday, July 26th (End of Maintenance)
Event End Wednesday, August 30th (Start of Maintenance)

"Star of Level 95" Title: All characters that reach Level 95 during the event
"Pioneer of Level 95" Title: Be the first on the server to reach Level 95


Titles reward no stats
Winners will be examined prior to rewarding to ensure that no exploits or other unfair advantages were used
Players that take advantage of exploits or other unintended mechanics to level up faster will be disqualified from the event (and may be subject to additional punishment, depending on the severity of the offense)

Dullahan Bonus Raid Event

A new raid, a new bonus departure event! Double your equipment gains by taking out the new big bad, Dullahan, twice per day!
Event Name Dullahan Bonus Raid Event
Event Start Wednesday, July 26th (End of Maintenance)
Event End Wednesday, August 9th (Start of Maintenance)
Event Details

+1 Dullahan Raid per day


  • Member Lennas
    Vindictus Rep: 610
    Posts: 14
    edited July 25, 2017
    Agreed, the event is decent but
    Summer Weekends Event

    Login to Vindicus on Saturday and Sunday, Pacific Time, for special prizes every weekend!
    Event Periods for the noted days
    Pacific: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM PDT
    Eastern: 3:00 AM - 3:59 AM EDT (the following day)
    Europe: 9:00 AM - 8:59 AM CEST (the following day)
    Australia: 5:00 PM - 4:59 PM AEST (the following day)

    Really wish they'd revise those times. As someone who works I can't really be staying up until 3AM to log in, and with there being a history of connection issues during events like this I'm not sure how viable just staying logged in while I sleep is.
  • Member AngelYukki
    Vindictus Rep: 2,300
    Posts: 184
    edited July 25, 2017
    Lennas wrote: »
    Agreed, the event is decent but
    Summer Weekends Event

    Login to Vindicus on Saturday and Sunday, Pacific Time, for special prizes every weekend!
    Event Periods for the noted days
    Pacific: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM PDT
    Eastern: 3:00 AM - 3:59 AM EDT (the following day)
    Europe: 9:00 AM - 8:59 AM CEST (the following day)
    Australia: 5:00 PM - 4:59 PM AEST (the following day)

    Really wish they'd revise those times. As someone who works I can't really be staying up until 3AM to log in, and with there being a history of connection issues during events like this I'm not sure how viable just staying logged in while I sleep is.

    But it says the following day?... I'm assuming you have the entire day to log in
    Unless I'm totally derping and misinterpreting it lol
  • Member Ingkells
    Vindictus Rep: 1,405
    Posts: 130
    yeah we get a full 24 hours to collect the prizes. times on the left are when they day begins, and on the right is when the day ends. may or may not have to wait like 30 minutes to collect stuff, we'll see.

    also i like free outfitters, but wish we could pick them like we were able to last time. i already have some of these pieces, negating the effort spent collecting them, and i wouldnt be caught dead wearing spring fairy set. but yeah, free, and i dont have to do it. nothin to get mad about. i just obsess over nothing cuz im bipolar +pain