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lord glas goddess spear

Vindictus Vertreter: 700
Posts: 34
edited November 28, 2016 in Battle Quests and Guides
I asked pretty much like 4-5 raids before i gave up, but how exactly do i make it say " Woods has brought down lord glas using a goddess spear" or w/e ingame?
am i supposed to aim the spear at the arm when he goes down ?
if i do/dont aim at the arm, when do i do it? after he does the special or right before where we have time to run into the white portal thingy.


  • NoburoNoburo
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    edited November 28, 2016
    When he dims the lighting and raises his arms, you have to spear him once on his arms or head to get a buff. With that buff you want to make sure you have another goddess spear and thenrun into the portal. You can run in while the portal is white or blue, as long as you have a spear and that buff.
  • GldPhoenixGldPhoenix
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,020
    Posts: 86
    You can grab you first spear at anytime. Your second spear cannot be grabbed until approximately one minute after you grab your first spear. When you have 2 spears and he does reverse gravity, spear an unarmored piece of him (arms are probably the easiest to hit). If successful, you will obtain a buff (denoted by a pillar of light emminating from your body). With 1 spear to go, walk into a portal (make sure you still have 1 spear). You will then spear him in the back (if you are the first one). Pretty sure i covered the basis of it....
  • KourinKourin
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,375
    Posts: 127
    1. Spear him at unarmored parts during his Reverse Gravity (when the vortexes are white). Successful spear will give you a blue light.

    2. Save yourself before you get caught in the RG.

    3. Get another spear if you haven't already got one. Jump into vortex with blue light buff and spear.
  • Order5Order5
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited Dezember 16, 2016

    You can grab you first spear at anytime. Your second spear cannot be grabbed until approximately one minute after you grab your first spear. When you have 2 spears and he does reverse gravity, spear an unarmored piece of him (arms are probably the easiest to hit). If successful, you will obtain a buff (denoted by a pillar of light emminating from your body). With 1 spear to go, walk into a portal (make sure you still have 1 spear). You will then spear him in the back (if you are the first one). Pretty sure i covered the basis of it....
    From what I've observed, you can only grab 2 spears if there are 3 portals open - regardless of whether you're already holding a spear or not. And as Kourin implied, you do not need 2 spears immediately on hand.
  • ShadowMadaraShadowMadara
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,260
    Posts: 240
    1. When he reverse gravity aim spear on glas's flesh aka arm/head
    2. If done correctly you will have a pillar of light on you for a short period of time.
    3. If you happens to have a second spear just inside the portal and you will land on glas's neck
    4. You shank him at point blank