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  • Seee you Everybody

    This is a really weird thread. He even confessed to breaking the rules twice and one of those was directly to Saygo which is just amazing. There was most definitely a misunderstanding here but it wasn't Nexon's.

    This guy was quitting and trying to get the money he put into his account back before he left. He was leaving. Done. Even if the ban was reversed, someone else would be playing the account... not your friend. It almost seems like whomever was going to buy the account is getting their friends to reply here in the hopes of completing the purchase (or maybe it is already done?). Good luck to you guys. You don't get people to talk to you on Skype to sell items for gold. The worst thing he could have done was make this thread. Actually, the worst thing was none of his old 'friends' bothered to help him do what he wanted to discreetly. Weird weird thread.

    Selling accounts isn't harmless either.

    Now that I sound like the bad guy... I do feel it is wrong you can be banned for text typed into mega. I'm surprised Nexon hasn't developed any way to detect this sort of activity after all these years. Log IP when accounts log on 5 minutes apart in separate states. Mass character name changes. Account/Billing information changed. People should be banned for their actions, not their text in chat. Wasn't there a Tom Cruise movie about this?
  • AP Item Resurrection Requirement Changes

    How does the 'team' not already know players hate item destruction and this change is a move in the wrong direction? Item destruction is the single biggest threat to player retention and it has been for a long long time. This change was either spurred on by greed or they really have no idea why the player population is on a constant decline. Tell HR that the team needs to stop throwing your notes away.

    If I were to speculate a sane reason for this, it could the rumor that r8 and r9 scrolls will be changed to not destroy 300,000,000g+ items (the 'losing a leg' analogy) that took weeks/months to make. What doesn't make sense (if we ignore $$$) is why the ap restoration change happened now instead of next year after this rumored change is implemented. A less forgiving restore system makes sense when you don't need to restore all the time because everything but the terrible rA scrolls can boom your items. Honestly, I hope the rumor is true and it can't happen soon enough.
  • Black Friday Outfitter Sets/Elch Wings Petition

    I fully agree with Delteros. I have a sneaking suspicion that their support staff received lots of complaints regarding these Black Friday Lucky Boxes. Hopefully they have enough support tickets from upset players to forward to KR as proof of a real and in my opinion, serious problem. They already exist in a shady grey area legally. The untradables, duplicates, and gender locked outfits pushed that shady area into the wrong direction.

    I suspect QueenOfMana hit the real problem on the head. NXKR is interfering with a region of the game they are totally obvious about. It's the same problem all KR MMOs suffer from. The NA offices need to do something and have to ask for permission only to be repeatedly denied. Then they stop asking because they know the answer already. I do hope this last Lucky Box gave them enough evidence to convince KR to move out of the dark ages. Making everything tradable and MP enabled is the perfect solution for everyone. Everyone is happy. Sales go up. It's just win-win all around. Nearly every other mmo has done it years ago.

    I'm going to be optimistic about 2017. I'm hopeful. I'd prefer an immediate change, but gradual change is better than no change and you can see it happening already. I think they already had one gacha box were everything was sellable. The one with the bunny outfit. The change needs to happen. Everyone views the gacha boxes with animosity and contempt and that does nothing but hurt sales and make players upset and regret spending money.

  • Rational for High Prices+How to Enjoy the Game

    If everyone else playing this game is like me and has both wondered and been appalled at the insane depot prices , I'd like to share with you all a potential sound reason that it is the way it is.

    If anyone has tried any other mmos, you've probably noticed they follow the same design trends. For one, they are intentionally made to be incredibly easy. This makes the game more accessible to a larger amount of players. For two, the game appeals to as large and wide an audience that it can. MMOs now-a-days are targeted to a non-niche audience. Basically, they're for everyone. Why? More players-playing means more money-making. However, it wasn't always like this. Before the days of WoW, MMOs were designed for a certain type of player. A small targeted audience. And they catered to these player's needs wants and wishes. Ultima, Everquest, iRO, and so on. Not only that, these old mmos were successful. Before WoW launched, Ultima was in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful online game. So successful they exist still to this day and some only recent started dying after the implementation of 'f2p'. Go figure.

    I'm assuming you all probably have played Vindictus. It might be a shaky claim to make but Vindictus is one of those niche audience mmos. It was launched 6 years ago and in development for years before it even launched. Its very likely one of the last niche mmos to come out. It doesn't target a wide audience. It is not easy. It doesn't hold your hand at every possible moment. Vindictus was made for a very specific type of gamer.... us. It probably goes without saying that we are a small community compared to other f2p mmos because Vindi doesn't appeal to a broad audience.

    So how does this tie back to the depot prices? Simple, few players means higher cost. The amount of spending Vindictus players is way less than say the number of players in Tera spending money. Reasonable prices are a risk were as whaling prices are a sure thing. Thus the high cost. Thus the gamble boxes. Thus the rng in favor of Nexon. To make comparable revenue that these other wide-audience f2p mmos do, this is what they have to do. Their hands may as well have been tied from the start. A low population can't sustain the game on a sub as 'The Secret World' shows. That mmo receives government funding. That's why it is still a sub game and not shutdown yet.

    "But, why not have more reasonable prices? More people would actually spend money then!" Is probably what you're thinking. Setting the prices high has the desired effect of preventing players from getting everything they need for say $30 and then never spending any more. Essentially, they hope that you will continue to spend next month and the month after that before you finally reach that point where you have what you need, and that 'point' can be increased. It ensures a continued steady revenue stream. Whether this is actually better for business? I couldn't say. This method is probably just the most risk free for them as a company not to mention proven effective across the whole f2p mmo industry.

    Many of us... myself included, look at these crazy costs and compare the value we could get with that same money on say Steam. What you may not know is that developing a full featured 3D MMO is THE hardest possible thing to do when it comes to game development. Not to mention that these games will all fail without continued support for who know how many years. This means having programmers and artists constantly working on bugs and new content. People to manage forums. Localization. Community Manager. Forum administrator. You name it. Employees on the pay-roll. The devs that made "Shadows of Mordor" for example launch the game, maybe patched it a few times after release to fix game breaking issues, and moved on to new projects. MMOs don't do that. They're kinda cursed by their very nature. If left un-cared for, they wither away and eventually die. In the end, you can't go, "For this amount I could buy 5 indie titles so this is stupid I quit!". There isn't a small army of people keeping those indie games alive for 5+ years. Even if you don't like a particular MMO, you probably should view its 'value' as slightly higher than that of a triple A. Try to view MMOs as quadruple A's or even quintuple A titles.

    Lastly, here is the secret to not hating Vindictus... like niche mmos of the past, they were made to be long term time investments. Progression was slow and purposely drawn out over long periods of time. Progression in Vindictus IS slow unless you are willing to whale heavily to skip some of that time. It is a good thing that this is an option even if you don't agree with it. Your odds of successfully enchanting your armor in 6 months is far higher than doing it in 1. Wearing down a player's patience to wait is yet another f2p tactic to strong arm players to spend. People want immediate improvement for their investment and everyone has a breaking point were they say f-it and either spend $ or quit the game.

    BUT! If you can resist the temptation and show some willpower, you can reach your goals in time and only spend money on cosmetic (or not at all I suppose). If Nexon didn't hold events were players could get runes for simply playing, this game would have died years ago and this reason could be why it is alive today. To their credit, they do give players a chance to snag c-shop runes for free. I Got 5 armor fusion runes, 9 months of hair tickets, 3 weeks inner armor coupons, 3 months VIP, 3 enhance runes, and 2 enchant runes from the G.O.L.D raid boxes in October and I didn't actively farm for them. Talking to the veterans in my guild, these guys have a surplus of these premium items from playing the game for years. Treat this game like a long term time investment and try not to get too upset when your scrolls fail. Keep grinding and keep playing. Join a guild and talk to your fellow players. Try not to pass judgement on the game in a month. The whole game is designed to be played longer than that. Even the c-shop. Have fun and make some friends.

    I know I bash Nexon possibly too much in my posts here on the forums. I don't like the things they do, but I get why they do it. I suppose I only do it to encourage them to explore other avenues of revenues. They own the IP for this game. They could open an online shop for physical items like shirts, mugs, hoodies, figurines (they have the models for it already), and so on and fully control and limit the amount produced. Plenty of artists playing to create free artwork all over the world. They could also increase awareness of the game by setting up a booth at conventions to bring in new players and further sell item. Even if it only slightly lowered ingame costs, I feel a lot of us playing this game would appreciate the effort.

    Thanks for taking the time to read all this! I do hope it helps someone to think of the game and the company in a less negative light and not be so quick to leave.
    RhyunaBoatGodMochiSweetPengyBloodAngelAqua22TawxxZaytiatusSoundTrapAbyssofthorand 1 other.
  • Prepare your wallets... Black Friday Sale

    The boxes are so expensive... I rather buy a combo meal for that price.
    I'm not gonna spend any money on these boxes because they didn't put exchange coupons or put all of the avatars tradeable via mp or mail.
    I'm hoping once they get back from their break that they do make the outfits tradeable. I feel there is a slim enough chance that they might do it especially if a big enough fuss is made.

    Gamble boxes skirt the law and prevent themselves from being classified as true gambling by doing a few sneaky and shady things. Firstly, you don't buy them with real money, you buy them with fake currency (NX). It would be easy to convince a court that that fake currency was purchased with real money and thus has value so lets skip to the next things.
    Secondly, they cleverly fill the boxes with fluff items. If you got nothing for your money, then it would be a random game of chance (gambling)... but since you do get something (dye, megaphones, other junk with no value to us), you are in fact getting something for your money. This is were things get a little shaky with these particular gambling boxes...

    In these boxes, some outfits are untradable and gender locked. If someone gets a male only set on their Fiona, they essentially got nothing. It will be red in the inventory and completely unusable which means it .... has no value. You got nothing for your money. There would then be a strong case that these boxes could be classified as actual gambling then and that would be obviously, illegal. I don't feel making the outfits account tradeable is enough for Nexon to claim that, "You can make a male/female character so no its fine!". Character slots are limited. Player's time is limited. Player's money is limited. Forcing players to buy another character slot just to use something they bought on a character they won't ever play is just to flimsy an excuse not to mention quite scummy. They really need to be tradable. The most expensive ones (Tieve, Iset, Keag) already are. Cross your fingers and keep talking about it.
