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You're wrong.
  • RIP our usefull fansites

    I really don't understand why people are shouting "but Blizzard let's their players datamine!" Really, that's like a child whining that the neighbor kid get's something and they don't.

    The core of this dispute needs to be, "is datamining against NEXON's terms of service." If it is, then Sanitee's ban was justified, if it's not, she should be unbanned.

    If Nexon agrees that datamining is ok, then we need to have a discussion about Black Cipher's false positives, but you all can't just shout, cry, and whine, the only thing it does is give Nexon a reason to ignore you.
  • RIP our usefull fansites

    I don't think anyone at NA actually cares that the game is datamined (they can't really stop it), it's just that the game they run's anticheat is heavily flawed. If anything, this isn't something to be getting mad at Saygo or NA about, it's something we need to protest towards those that actually manage the game in Korea.

    @Dealer -
    I've said this before, but I really wish you'd just stick to moderating, and not inject yourself into the discussion like you have. You're not an ambassador to Nexon, you're a volunteer moderator, defending Nexon and dismissing claims made by players is a job for the Community Manager, not a volunteer moderator, all you're doing is stirring up people's anger.

    To be honest, I'd like to see some new volunteer mods with a clean slate, rather than keeping ones that have a history of getting into conflicts with users.

  • Lonesome

    Why run it in a group when you can essentially solo it in less than 5 minutes?

    Having friends to do things with is fun, otherwise known as, the whole point of this thread.

  • Seee you Everybody

    I'm confused, he shouted a mega advertising his account for sale which is a permanent ban, so why is he surprised that it happened?
    Apparently you're not supposed to be banned for blatantly breaking TOS and then crying about it to the forums anymore.

    They can pretend it was a "lost in translation mistake," but it's obvious what they were trying to do and they got burned for it.

  • That new update doe

    Oh boy, another raids for a few people to try, fail, and never try again.

    Let's skip this and move onto Hurk's 2nd weapon, at least people will come back for that.