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  • Why no love for sylas?

    Hello :D. This is PhantomSai, a sylas player from west server.
    There are a few points I would like to make on sylas's current status and some pros and cons.
    There's actually quite a bit of sylases on west server with ample +10-+12 oj daggers on the market.
    However, this was only recently when the Sylas player base of the upper lvls 80-90 emerged (a lot from the free lvl 80 character event).
    To have high enhance daggers on the market (or any weapon), there obviously needs to be the sylas players that are willing to gamble upwards to higher enhances on their oj weapons. Then for some reason, they will either have a another higher enhance dagger, a need for money, or lost interest in the character altogether to sell the higher enhance dagger. It is not worth it for a different class to enhance a weapon that is not even theirs to sell as a boom is a permanent lock for a dagger that the other class can't even use.

    Now why there is a lack of sylas on east server, I do not know. Unpopularity is probably the main reason. His play-style is definitely very different from the other classes and those who tried sylas knows his main damage combo is his 4th smash wheel. It is definitely repetitive and even with the update, in most cases there is only a few occasion when 3rd smash should be used over 4th smash.

    Here are some pros and cons for his kit:
    -Illusion Shield
    Although illusion shield is not as strong as evie's corona or long term healing full-party regeneration, it does have it's applications.
    The cast time on illusion shield is short, almost instant. If you know someone or you may take a fatal blow, a illusion shield can be placed at the last second to save you or your ally for 1 hit. Of course in raids, it is rng for where the shield goes but there were times in Regina when someone would have died if it wasn't for a lucky shield proc. If the shield is not popped, the hp restored is decent and since the healing rate is slightly faster than evie's regeneration, it can help you off your feet when you are low in health. It does not even compete with evie's corona healing done, however due to it's interesting double sided healing / shielding ability as well as it's instant activation vs looking for the corona, illusion shield is an okay ability that can heal or safe last minute lives.
    -Soul Drain
    Soul drain is not very good when used with 4 people. The lifesteal is nice, but the time they get to use the lifesteal is too short. Sylas use of soul drain on himself is much more efficient as it lasts the full cooldown duration (30s) and can provide for infinite lifesteal if the player chooses. The lifesteal scales with damage done so it stacks well with extinction roar and phantasmic slash. I can go from 1000 hp to 5000+ in the span of 15-30s if 4th smash combo is used constantly.
    -Vision Dash
    This is a forgotten passive ability that is very useful for the playing style of sylas. Dashing through an enemy allows for full combos to be dodgable with one dash. It is very useful in solos and in tight corners. Plus his dash combo with right click makes sylas one of the fastest class in the game which can make reviving a player on the other end of the map and going back to fight the boss a breeze.
    -Impulse Zone
    I think this is Sylas's strongest aoe active ability. Although it is not flexible at all as it is a medium circle range that is fixed where placed (bad for fast bosses), the buffs are surprisingly good. Primarily the damage taken reduction of 600 for 15 seconds for members that stand in the zone can play more aggressively without worrying too much about dmg taken by the boss. 6 stamina regen a second is pretty decent as well if placed on say a Chain Vella or Kai for 15 seconds. Attack buff is a hit or miss for parties that need it or not.

    That being said, Sylas is stuck in the middle between a support class and a mid-ranged damage class. He doesn't excel at everything but does offer a unique kit and play style that deviates from brawler type classes that populate most of vindi. This very playstyle and general consensus that Sylas has low damage is probably the reason why you don't see too many Sylas players. I disagree with the overall most dps class ranking and meta as it is not the class that is strong, but how well the player knows the kit and plays the class. Any class can out dps another but certain variables such as type of boss, efficient damage cycling, etc affect the outcome. My advice is to not worry about dps done but rather look at how helpful you were to the party during the raid and most importantly, have fun. Skill and knowledge > dps.