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I play this game way too much...
  • Why are there timers on things like megas ?

    RowboCop wrote: »
    Plakster wrote: »
    ever since kr took over they added expire on it.

    What makes you think KR took over? From what I've seen, it's always the NA publishers that are stingy. This has been the case throughout the years going back to when the FUD twins (Dealer/Aqua) were still around and we had actual community managers (I'm referring to the stinginess like us getting a nerfed version of Golden Time compared to other regions).

    Korea took over around this time last year. That is why all the maint is done near midnight + every video communication from Nexon has been from Korea (see basically the only one which was the 8th anniversary...)+ why support responds so quickly in the middle of the night.

    All the US folks were fired Dec 2017 time frame. (Just take a look at their activity logs.)

    Nexon decided to just give us the bare bones support and see what $$ they can get out of us. Heck we haven't even gotten word on the broken event that was suppose to be going on the last 2 weeks...

    Every time an official message is posted is near midnight PST. They are all on Korean working times.

    (The only maint. ever done on a normal US working hrs is now done by the server support. IE forced patch Tues by Microsoft. I don't know if Nexon needs to have anyone from Korea involved, but if it is like my work they just auto do and you have someone on call if there are issues.)
  • Practice mode for Neamhain and Balor?

    noctred wrote: »
    Don't overthink it, just join raids, die, and do your best to apply whatever knowledge you've gained from videos and previous runs. Yeah it's unforgiving but also more satisfying when you feel yourself getting better with every run. We've all been there - there's no shame in it.

    Couldn't agree more. We all have lived through the pain. Your carries might give some friendly grief but they know what type of run they could be getting into when they join a neam. (And honestly the folks that run neam regularly know how the run is going to be before it even launches.)

    I ended up starting to actually learn Neam ~1-2 months after content was released and felt like I was doing crud for a long long time. Honestly it wasn't till I did it for ~50 times (and started doing it on a different class, my fifi) till I could dodge > 50% of the time that stupid 5 hit neit/neam combo move. (And for learning neam you would just want some way to spam her gate move + the combo move + the ground ring stamina steal/spin move.) But as folks said solo you don't even manage to see them unless you already can solo it.

    Also just know that it is really good to see how other folks dodge each of those moves. I try my best to teach gate to new folks that are struggling in the runs, but the others ones take a lot more practice. So when dead follow someone else. (The "best" person isn't always the best to watch to figure out how they are dodging...)

    FYI for me gate was the only move I ended up watching a vid over and over again till I saw what I could use as a queue for me to move. All the others just took time and effort. (And it does help to turtle as fifi so you can at least get an idea of the timing on the 5 hit combo.)

    Balor is another can of worms. -> Figure out distance you need to be to prevent certain moves. (IE staying close to him help a lot.) Figure out fire wall. Then the rest will come in time. But he is actually much more forgiving to learn than neam is.

  • Small Spirit Remnants moved to normal storage?

    FYI you can stack most things to 1000 now. So I assume you now have plenty of space. (I was annoyed too, but I think they just want you to sell them instead of forgetting about them.)
  • Some more questions from a newbie

    JamesGross wrote: »
    More serious question. We still get "New" players in this game? Shocking.

    You haven't been running raids then. I am surprised at how many new folks show up. (And then likely disappear quickly.)
  • Balancing Changes

    Yagamin wrote: »
    Yes, Miri now has a total of 4 things nerfed. Her DPS is terrible now and will not require any more nerfs.

    Lann and Hurk are now OP and can do triple everyone else's DPS in Onslaught. (Assuming all players have same gear and, most importantly, skilled enough to dodge ALL attacks). Spears and Greatsword need to be nerfed now for Onslaught.

    Also, Mana Shield needs to be disabled in Onslaught to be fair.

    The good news it that the sorting system seems to split the dps out fairly well in Onslaught.

    As for other runs on lann, I haven't seen a huge increase if you were already OP ;-) I think my att increase is similar to having the event items we had last month.