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  • NA/Empyrean/159/50872 Guild’s server NA Why others should join your Guild? We are a laid back group of people who are always willing to lend a hand to anyone What makes your Guild special or stand out? We pride ourselves on only having…
  • Cedric wrote: » What i noticed about this refoge system so far is that you either get lucky and make that +15 with 1-2 reforges max, or you end up reforging several times for each enhancement lvl untill you get very disappointed and lose any inte…
  • @prototypemind I'm not sure what else you would propose. The end point of vindi is always going to be gear and if they made getting +15 like over a month or less everyone would quit out of boredom at endgame. I personally don't mind the current stee…
  • Jinyie wrote: » Everything except enhance runes. Unless reforging lets you use unstable enhance runes, then that's news to me. The reforging system itself is a great idea and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. My only problem is the ne…
  • Rizzle wrote: » Emerthyst wrote: » I would like to know too would make leveling vanguard alts a breeze. What part of that is actually difficult? *I forgot - trying to not cut your wrists leveling to 70....my bad the last level 99 to 100…
  • Sir_Render wrote: » ablackwoman wrote: » Nokaubure wrote: » Its a trick that has always been there, as long as someone keeps hitting dullahan he will never stop doing that attack, useful to skip last phase if the party is capable of facetank r…
  • Zeroheart wrote: » .. Also give us a counter for Penny pincher title! I been burning and giving those stupid spirit things and nothing yet. It's around 1000 you really shouldn't even start burning spirit remnants until you get 1000 to burn all …
  • I believe the not enhancing via the returner stuff was intentional and the lv90 growth package being enhance-able was intended. Still pretty bad on them for ignoring their most loyal customers especially when other regions got it. FYI their official…
  • ^ that is still up in the air but I wouldn't put it past them. Have you seen their quarterly reports they make a killing on mobile games in na not pc anymore.
  • Prototypemind wrote: » If you look a few pages back there's a thread where a few people talk about how much they spent. Spoiler: a lot to get to 100 I think 100 is a pretty low estimate it gets stupid expensive in the +15-+20 range 1m per try (…
  • ya after that board which was probably the worst event we have gotten equal rewards so far. i guess even they realized how bad that was we can hope. we still get a lot of timers on event things that really don't need them like the santa outfit th…
  • I don't think we get gimped in terms of QOL because it gets released earlier or at the same time kr got them in the release schedule. Where we mostly get gimped is nx shop prices, nerfed event items (unnecessary timers, less rewards) and rampant bot…
  • And then they throw a curve ball with the max +15 coupon expiring in 7 days rather than date expire on the 31st like everything else. Lost my coupon this morning cuz i was too tired after new years.
  • Prototypemind wrote: » Weird, because the event page made it seem as though all characters would simply get them by talking to the Traveler once the tree was complete. "If your server completes decorating the Big, Beautiful Christmas Tree locat…
  • IGN Emerthyst NA server
  • Prototypemind wrote: » The Xmas tree event isn't finished because Nexon in their infinite wisdom decided to make S3 raids, and especially the new ones, the only thing worth doing. No one wants to go out of their way to smash things in old content …
  • Vallesti wrote: » The only times I crash are usually caused by some memory error after being AFK for 10+ hours perhaps and trying to run something. Because of that I just restart my game or PC before doing raids and whatnot. Same happens to me…
  • You make it sounds like the prices would be lower with real players but no doubt they would be much higher (less supply, same demand). As someone who doesn't really care about making a ton of gold off mp profits alone bots keeping prices stable actu…
  • Like i said in my first comment(last comment on page probably got overlooked), The 3 people the op posted did give the game an honest shot I felt none of the animosity towards instances, non-open world, etc like i did watching byte and lazypeon. The…
  • Ok, I did actually watch through those 3 streams the op posted and I'd like to say those 3 people actually did give the game a chance and while it probably was just for the bounty you can't say they didn't try to see past the dated flaws of the game…