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Redirection→ Game Launch Blocked

Vindictus Rep: 7,360
Posts: 988
edited February 17, 2017 in Europe Chat
/!\ Game Launch Blocked

You are attempting to access from outside of our service area. Please go to Support FAQ for more information.

This error shows up to people from countries that are no longer supported - list available here: https://support-vindictus.nexon.net/hc/en-us/articles/115000525666-European-Migration-FAQ
This includes some countries that were supported before migration. Apparently in addition to that some supported countries are experiencing the same problem.

To prevent multiple threads in various sections, please contribute in following threads (biggest as of posting it): http://forums.vindictus.nexon.net/discussion/2977/game-launch-blocked

Note to moderators: This is supposed to be helpful redirection for those who have entered this section, seeking help and information regarding this issue.


  • KrezzzKrezzz
    Vindictus Rep: 750
    Posts: 31
    It seriously seems like they're just ignoring these kinds of threads, i've been told to "stay on topic" when I replied to someone with a Nexon tag when they replied to someone about something that happened after the EU migration (that's still being on topic then)