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Why all the rates so low and prices so high?

Vindictus Vertreter: 100
Posts: 4
in General Discussion
AP so low, gold so low, xp kinda low but manageable;
Enhance very low rate, enchant low, drop low.
While all ItemMall prices are some of the highest ive seen.
Too many items bound to character cant share anything ive earned or played for with ... myself?

Yet the game is almost dead, no parties or raids outside 90-95 raids which arent that common either.
Is really this working for a company? milk the game to its innevitable death and then close it when its no longer profitable? theres no incentive to make the game popular again or fun?
I have a really hard time naming a single game that isnt doing the same ****, to different degrees but the same ****, i understand they are a business first and foremost but to have 0 consideration for players and number of players seems retarded, wouldnt they make more money if there were more players? seems like the number of players has no effect on gameplay/business decisions they will continue like this?